Logistics executives, warehouse owners, and truck drivers include about 200 million dollar -equal and other illegal products, including other illegal products from China to the United States through a complex of Los Angeles Long Beach Port. Federal prosecutor announced on Monday that he was among nine people who were prosecuted in the smuggling business.
Eight defendants were arrested on Friday and Saturday. The ninth person remains large. They were named on the unsuitable Friday, which was instructioned by 15 counts.
According to prosecutors, the participants of this scheme were stored in the warehouse, raising the flags and adding them to the off -site facilities for additional inspections at the port for additional tests at the port. Authorities said that the filling devices were satisfied to deceive customs staff and avoid law enforcement agencies.
When the transport container entered the facility, the security seal was broken and illegal items were deleted. Authorities later said that forged security seals were placed in the container and seemed to have not been removed.
The container was transported to customs and border accusations for inspection. Prosecutors have paid a payment fee that “greatly exceeded the normal truck transport fee” to transport containers.
According to US lawyers, investigators have seized more than $ 130 million. The smuggling ring stated that at least $ 200 million products were illegally brought to the country.
The seized items contained shoes, perfumes, handbags, clothing, and watches.
Nine accidents have been charged with conspiracy, smuggling, and the destruction of customs seals. The trial date was scheduled for March 18.
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