In the wake of the Eaton Fire, Pasadena city officials announced the cancellation of the parade portion of the annual Black History Festival.
This year’s festival will focus on recovery efforts within the communities of Altadena, Pasadena and Glendale.
Pixie Boyden, co-chair of the Black History Parade & Festival Planning Committee, said, “The committee is excited to bring together a variety of resources to support our community and provide a little joy during this unprecedented and difficult time.” This is what the association expects.” .
The festival will be held at Robinson Park, 1081 N. Fair Oaks Ave., on Feb. 15 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The first part of the festival will consist of performances registered in advance to participate in the parade. Festival activities will continue. The annual car show was also postponed after many members suffered damage to their classic cars.
This year, the sale of goods will be prohibited. Instead, vendors were encouraged to apply for public assistance and other services free of charge.
“It will take time to recover from this incredible tragedy, and the Black History Planning Commission wants to help move toward healing,” Boyden said.
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