New York (AP) -The US public health authorities have been told to suspend cooperation with the World Health Organization.
The center of John Nukengason, a US disease management prevention officer, sent notes to Agency’s senior leaders on Sunday night, and all staff in cooperation with the WHO immediately stopped collaborating and said, “Wait for further guidance. I am. ”
Experts said that the sudden suspension was surprising, investigating the generation of African Marburquirus and MPOX, and brewing global threats. Also, health authorities around the world are monitoring the occurrence of bird flu among US livestock.
For AP communication, I saw a copy of NkenGasong’s memo. “All CDC staff involved in the WHO will be applied directly or in virtual through technical working groups, coordinating centers, advisory committees, cooperatives, or other means.” CDC staff also states that they are not allowed to visit the WHO office.
President Donald Trump issued a Presidential order last week to launch a process to withdraw the United States from the WHO, which was not effective immediately. Who needs parliamentary approval and the United States is satisfied with this year’s financial obligations. The United States also needs to provide one year notification.
His administration also told the Federal Health Organization to stop most of the communication with the general public at least throughout the end of the month.
“Stop communication and conferences with people who are a big problem,” said Dr. Jeffrey Clausner, a public health specialist at the University of Southern California, who is cooperating with sexually transmitted diseases.
“People thought they would withdraw slowly. This was a trouser and caught everyone,” Klausner said.
“We talk about who is two -way,” he added, saying that the two institutions benefit from each other’s expertise. This collaboration allows the United States to learn about new tests, new treatments and new occurrence. This is information that helps protect Americans overseas and at home.
The CDC will send millions of dollars to anyone through a cooperative agreement. U.S. organizations have one of the world’s leading experts on infectious and public health threats. The staff of the two institutions are contacting every day about healthy danger and how to stop them.
Collaboration suspension is not only the global health effect of Trump’s presidential order. Last week, the president has frozen another important program, Pep fur or AIDS rescue for the emergency plan.
The anti -HIV program is believed to save 25 million lives, including the life of 5.5 million children, as it was launched by Republican President George W. Bush. It was included in the freezing of the Trump administration, which is scheduled to last at least three months.
Pepfar provided HIV drugs to more than 20 million people, saying, “Stopping funding stops HIV treatment,” said Beatrice Glinztaine, Chairman of the International AIDS Association. “If it happens, people will die and HIV will be resurrected.”
US health authorities have confirmed that CDC has stopped working with WHO. The person was not allowed to talk about the memo, and talked about anonymously.
WHO’s spokesman introduced questions about the withdrawal of US officials.
The US Ministry of Health and Welfare officials did not respond immediately to the request for email comments. Also, CDC officials did not respond to the request of AP to talk to Nkengasong about the memo.
AP Medical Writer Lauran Neergaard has contributed to this report.
The AP Communications and Health Science is supported by the Housde Hughes Medical Institute of Medical Institute for Science and Education Media Group and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. AP is responsible for all content alone.
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