Instead of the expected improvements from the Pandemic era campaign clogs, the math score of 4th and 8th graders and the English test scores is mainly stable or nationwide.
Not only are there a few students who have acquired altitude or skilled scores, but also the “basic” ranking at the next level in accordance with the overall consequences of the development of education, which are generally called national report cards. A small number of students who have achieved are falling at the next level.
The ratio of 8th graders under the “NAEP Basic” level was the largest in the history of evaluation, and the ratio of fourth graders below Naep Basic was the largest in 20 years.
Experts have characterized the score as a call for a calm action. Los Angeles’s unified school districts have improved in some indicators, but the results have damaged the recent characteristics of the unprecedented historical learning.
Peggy G. Car, a commissioner at the National Education Statistics Center, states: “If there are signs of recovery, they are mostly mathematics, mainly driven by high -performance students. Lower students are especially struggling to read.”
Test score provides regular snapping shots for students by testing students from all over the country. This test is not directly correlated with California’s learning standards, but the NAEP score provides rare opportunities to compare students’ progress throughout the school district, state, and nationwide.
The score reflects the deteriorating gap.
In the eighth graders, higher performers revived the ground, and their low -performance friends continued to decline or showed noticeable progress.
In eighth graders mathematics, this expansion gap is the most prominent. Low -grade students declined, and high -grade students have improved. As a result of this divergence, the average score in 2024 was not significantly different from 2022.
In reading, low -grade students struggled the most, and the score was lower than the first NAEP reading evaluation in 1992.
The COVID-19 Pandemic era of remote learning in 2020 and 2021, when many campuses were closed, cannot be accused of all issues.
“We are deeply worried about low -performance students,” said a car. “These students have declined for 10 years. They require our urgent precautions and our best efforts.”
The car also pointed out that she had considered a disturbing trend from a student’s linked survey. She also stated that chronic absentment is related to scores.
However, the car decided to include a note of optimism: “I was able to progress before and it was possible again.”
Researcher Dan Gold Harbor pointed out the continuous cutting between test results and grades.
“The general public believes that when all tests are probably the most reliable tests, they indicate that they are close to the level of student performance, and that students have returned to normal. I think, “analysis of vertical data in education and research, which is part of the US Research Institute.
“And, of course, I don’t care about the test itself,” he added.
LauSD bright memo
Los Angeles, like the country, provided a bright place in fourth grade mathematics that had risen significantly from 2022. However, the overall score of LA remained low.
The proportion of LA students who were skilled in fourth graders increased from 20 % to 27 %. In the case of California, the increase was 30 % to 35 %. 35 % to 39 % nationwide.
La UNIFIED’s eighth grade math score was slightly high, but this rise was not statistically significant.
In the fourth grade reading, 25 % of LA students have not been skilled since 2022. Nationwide 30 % skilled and decreased by 2 points from 2022. California has reduced 2 % points to 29 %.
The eighth grade reading fell from 28 % to 22 % in LA. The number of countries did not change at 29 %. California was 28 %, decreasing by 2 points.
The collapse of the eighth grade reading score was a Puzzler of La Unified Schools Supt. Alberto Calvario celebrated just two years ago that it had risen significantly at that grade. These students will be in high school now. He pointed out that the sampling method could lead to an abnormality, despite the long -standing members, despite the best efforts of the National Educational Statistics Center.
In 2022, he pointed out whether the test sample had more students at high -performance schools.
Calvaryo returned to the silver lining in 2019 before the pandemic. Among the largest school systems in Japan, La Unified was one of the four, one of the four, and seemed to have been caught in the score before the past.
“We don’t intend to celebrate it. At one point, we should be fully increasing,” said Calvaryo.
Linda Darling Hammond, the President of the State Board of Education, said that LA unification would not work in comparison with trends in other large school systems.
Photos of LA and California look good depending on the state test system. This evaluates what students should learn in California, but do not allow national comparison.
“The national score has risen a little and the NAEP is stable,” said Durling Hammond, with high poverty and homelessness. “We have made a small progress to many odds.”
She praised mental health, teachers training, and higher state educational funds and strategic investments in fields with expanding community services.
In the state test, La UNIFIED showed powerful profits and reached a record graduation rate, but overall academic achievements have not yet achieved the study goal. Since these improvements were all grade levels, Calvarho had acknowledged that they were characterized as historic and unprecedented, but needed to continue.
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