A few days after one of the world’s largest lithium -ion battery storage facilities fell into a flame in Monterley County, researchers found a surprisingly high -concentration genus at the nearby estuary, which is the home of some extinct Species. 。
Scientists at Sanhose State University are nickel, a material used in lithium -ion batteries, in the soil sample of the Elkhornslau reserve after a recent fire at a nearby moss landing power plant. , The dramatic increase of manganese and cobalt has been recorded.
The toxic metal is the second largest estuary in the state, and may confuse the delicate ecosystem of Elkhonz Lau, which plays an important role in protecting the coastline from the isolation of carbon emissions and the rising coastline. Ivano Aero, the chairman of the university Moslanding, said. Marine Research Institute.
Moss Landing Marine LABORATORIES IVANO AIELLO is a soil sampling at the ELKHORN SLOGH protected area.
(Sanhose State University /Moslanding Marine Research Institute)
Slau, who has been monitoring environmental conditions for over 10 years, said that he was shocked by the results.
The concentration of nickel, manganese, and cobalt measured on the surface of the soil is compared to several hundred to several hundred times the level of the surface of the surface on the surface of the front of the fire, or deeper soil.
“I thought there was something related to this fire,” said Ierro. “I didn’t know that I was going to find such a high concentration of those metals.”
On Tuesday, Glench Church, director of Montre County, said that the survey was called “very uneasy” and was worried that future data would be revealed in unprecedented flame results. The fire ignited on January 16 and burned for five days, eventually destroying an estimated 80 % battery in the building.
Congress Dawn Addis (D-Morro Bay) stated in a statement on Monday that we were “deeply worried about the concentration of heavy metals in” one of our most important and vulnerable ecosystems “.
“These concentrations are directly linked to battery energy storage fire,” she said.
The battery storage site is owned by Vistra Energy, based in Texas. A spokeswoman said on Tuesday that the company recognizes data in Sanhose, and will decide on the next step in cooperation with local health agencies. Spokesman said that Vistra has also completed its own surveys on fire and environmental monitoring around the factory.
The Elkhornslau reserve was open to the public from January 17 to January 21, but there was an evacuation order near the power plant and an evacuation order. It is now open to visitors.
Initial resource monitoring from the United States Environmental Protection Agency has determined that there is no public health at the level of particle -like substances released during the fire and the level of fluoride gas. Hydrogen fluoride is a very toxic gas generated by lithium -ion battery fire, which can cause not only skin and eye burns but also severe respiratory injury.
The EPA is scheduled to be conducted on soil and water, and is being carried out by local and state health agencies instead.
The Montere County Health Bureau was grateful on Monday for the test conducted by the Eyelo team and plans to present preliminary results from its own soil and water samples this week.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Public Health, California, the California State Protection Agency, and the state epidemiologists in the state, “evaluating research, evaluating potential health concerns, and deciding on an appropriate step to move forward. “
San Jose’s soil sample suggests that the long -term environment and health of poisonous flames may have an effect on health.
His lab is currently in the “emergency mode” to collect data and understand how heavy metals affect ecosystems. Since January 22, scientists have collected soil samples from 100 or more locations within a 2 -mile radius of plants.
“Currently, there is a layer of heavy gold in the soil and I don’t know what will happen. Will it be washed away? Are you going to penetrate groundwater? Do you concentrate and accumulate living things?” “You need to learn it before you actually understand the meaning.”
The Elkhongs Lau has more than 700 species, animals, and marine organisms, including the extinct and endangered SPECIES species of extinction and crowned species such as Otter in the Nankai, Santa Cruz, and California Brown Pelican.
The wetland stores a large amount of carbon and helps relieve climate change. The estuary also helps to prevent coastal erosion and absorb the effects of the rise in the sea level.
The director church states that the fire raises the problem of whether a factory should be placed near the environment -sensitive area. Last week he and his fellow board members passed a resolution last week in search of the battery storage facility remained offline until a thorough investigation was completed and new safety measures were implemented.
In the aftermath of flames, parliamentary members, Adis, introduced a new law that demands that local governments remark on the battery or energy storage facility, and have such sites, hospitals, and hospitals. Established a buffer to keep in. Natural habitat.
“The true climate solution must make a profit in our community and natural environment,” she said in a statement. “We must continue to fight to include the voice of the community and the appropriate location of the battery energy storage facility.”
American clean power Asun. Opposition to her proposal, parliamentary bill 303, states that it will excessively restrict the clean energy industry.
“The best way to promote the safety of California as a whole is the universal adoption and enforcement of the latest version of the national fire standards related to battery energy storage,” said Alex Jackson, an ACP-California executive director. Ta. “This proposal has missed the mark. The vast restriction will make it difficult to maintain lights in California.”
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