St. John Bosco High responded to the religious order of the Catholic School, Football Coach Jason Negro, and the religious order of the Sales Association, supported blacks, and targeted one of the three plaintiffs’s reliability. I did.
Father’s statement from the Father, Saleghania, and the provisional President, Mel Trinidaddad, stated that Brian Wickstrom was fired in July as a school president and highest executive officer. He was not given rights and violated the trustee obligations. ”
Thursday late, Wickstrom lawyers strongly denied the claim.
The statement is different from submitting a court, which is expected to be immediately anticipated by St. John Bosco, which is useful as a formal response to the lawsuit. Submissions are needed within 30 days of defendant in the second week of January.
Wickstrom, Former Administrator Melanie Marcaurer and Derek Baraza, first, the first time they were inappropriate last year, when they were inappropriate, resurrected, recovered, indefinite punishment and general damages. It is asserted in the reported lawsuit.
In 2013 and 2022, blacks, a highly evaluated coach who led St. John Bosco to the top of the nationwide ranking, embezzled money from the All Boys School for many years and praised the assistant coach. He claims that he paid the tuition in cash. The payment is from the “anonymous donor”.
Submission to the Los Angeles County Court also argues that blacks have conducted financial transactions related to his power plant program in cash. The plaintiffs argue that they were hindered by sales officials, excluding the delivery of blacks.
Trinidad did not deal with these claims in his statement, saying, “For decades, we have supported hundreds of student athletes in classrooms and fields, and have supported the education, growth and happiness.” It was. St. John Bosco High School is completely intended to defend this lawsuit and pursue its own legal relief for the harm caused by the school. “
The statement was zero at San Antnio’s incarnation Word and the Wickstrom, an athletic director at the University of Louisiana, before being hired by St. John Bosco in July 2020.
“The school has given plaintiffs’ lawyers to provide financial fraud documents and explanations,” said a statement. “No information or explanations are provided. Instead, this lawsuit for school, Salesion, and coaches have been filed.”
Wickstrom responded to Trinidad’s statement through his lawyer Rob Henig.
“Father Mel Trinidad has illegally fired Brian Wickstrom without permission from the Bosco Board of Directors,” said the Bosco. “Wickstrom was fired because Jason Negro was responsible for the action of Negro, as he was detailed in a 17 -page complaint and supported email and other evidence.
“At the time of the dismissal of Wickstrom, Trinidad never raised the claims of wickstromes or other misconduct. Certainly, after Wick Strom directly raised illegal dismissal with Bosco, and then Bosco. Write a survey to imagine justification of wickstrom dismissal.
“Needless to say, Bosco was fired for trying to be responsible for the blacks, or did not refute the wickstrom’s claim that the blacks handled a large number of books. Wick stroms are these. We deny false claims and defend these coating tactics in court.
Financial service company ITRIA Ventures sued Jeff Wacha, a former highest financial manager of the school, in March 2024, with a loan of $ 1 million in February 2023. Ta.
In a statement, Salesion hired an independent financial consultant for the investigation, but Wickstrom said, “A lawsuit against the school to prevent independent financial consultants from completing their investigation and work. I threatened. “
Meanwhile, according to the latest litigation, Marcaurel and Wick Strom have tried to earn soccer income and money through school sales offices last year. 。
Instead, Salesio’s order responded by sending consultant Jay Connor and Cathy Vivien to school. The lawsuit claims that “the audit has been used as a strategy to drive the current staff to a business office and deleted audits to provide audit.
Cash payments to Negro and Assistant coaches have not been reported as income from the Internal Revenue Agency or the California Franchise Tax Committee. The lawsuit claims that “blacks, pockets are used in pockets, and many of the cash gained for soccer are used for personal use. Programs engaged in embezzlement and fraud.”
Negro stated in the Tuesday statement:[a]N independent surveys have already been conducted, and all facts are revealed in court. ”
“The claim is in the hands of our legal team,” said the coach. “And our school postponed all questions to them.”
Immediately after Wickstrom and Marcaurel were fired by Trinidad, St. John Bosco issued a statement that the Sales Resorrenian would increase leadership roles.
“The Salesio Association has been engaged in the identification period of how to make SJB optimal for future success,” said the statement. “Father has revealed. Mel Trinidadad, the current region of the Sales Association, and other companies of SJB, should lead the school leadership and play a greater role in forming the future. “
Negro is a graduate of St. John Bosco, and is represented by Brian Pannish Brian Pannish in Brian Pannish, the chief donation to the school’s $ 7.2 million panic family stadium. According to his company’s website, his court victory includes a landmark product liability for General Motors and a $ 4.9 billion of $ 4.9 billion for over $ 50 million.
The 5,000 -seat football stadium opened in 2018, and at the time, Panish expressed thanks to St. John Bosco’s education and said to the Long Beach press telegram: 。 … I went there at once in my life when I didn’t organize all my values.
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