A few days after President Trump surprised some of the most enthusiastic supporters in the Sanhoakin Valley in California, suddenly released water from two dams to the Army Engineers, and most of this area. I was confused.
Based on the order from Washington, the corps entered an engineering waterway network on the Sanhoa Kimburley farm, so that irrigation water flows through the river waterway for three days. The course was performed from the river to the canal and irrigation grooves, and many water eventually headed to the retained basin, where we immersed it on the ground to replenish the groundwater.
“It has been charged on the ground,” said TOM BARCELLOS, president and farmer’s president and farmer of TULE RIVER IRRIGATION DISTRICT. It sounds good, except that some of the Sanhoa Kimburay farmers are usually dependent on water from two dams to irritate crops in summer. In other words, the release of water this year, when agriculture usually does not need it, means that the cultivator is likely to reduce the water stored in the reservoir this summer. record.
“If we could keep it there and use it for irrigation this summer, it would have been used more well,” said Barcelos. The loss of the water is equivalent to the use of the maximum water for about two days during the summer irrigation season, but he said, “It’s not a big harm, not a big foul.”
Still, he said: “I think someone in DC has become a little enthusiastic.”
Sudden release of water from the dam has led to criticisms from some residents, water managers, and members of Congress. As he instructed, order federal dams or pumps to flow more water.
“These types of Schenangan, they hurt a small farmer,” said DEZARAYE BAGALAYOS, a local water activist. Bagarayos said that small cultivators are already struggling, and the release of water from the dam means that they are few when they need it.
“The last thing about the need for water management in California in California is a person who calls a shot when he doesn’t know how it works,” said Bagarayos. “It’s already very difficult to make the difficult situation already, and there aren’t many small rooms in California to tinker with such water.”
The Army Kingdom suddenly began to release a large flow on Friday, flowed from Taaminus Dam to the Cowear River near Visalia, and flowed into the Tulle River near the Porterville. The high flow continued for one day, then slightly decreased, and ended on Sunday.
This action occurred after visiting Los Angeles, where Trump has disappeared. He pledged to “open a valve” to bring more water in the area, despite the reservoirs that supply cities in Southern California at a record level.
When water was poured from the dam, Trump posted one of them and said that it was a beautiful flow of water just opened in California. Army engineer said that this action was “coincided with the direction” of Trump’s recent presidential orders.
Neither Trump nor the Army Engineers did not provide details about where the water would go. However, water released from two dams is useful for agriculture in eastern Sanhoakin valley. Usually, it does not reach the Los Angeles area. The Los Angeles area depends on the supplies delivered from the water bridge, a water project in the state of the valley, instead of the valley.
With the release of the water, the level of the two reservoirs has decreased. The success of the lake near the porterville was about 20 %. It fell to 18 %. Lake Kaweah near VISALIA is about 21 % full and has fallen to 19 % of weekend capacity.
According to the Federal record, more than 2 billion gallons were released from the reservoir for three days.
“The Trump administration has abandoned billions of Gallon’s California water for political photography and social media posts,” Pacific Institute’s water scientist and senior fellow. He said, “This is not the irrigation season and will not be saved in the dry season, so it will not arrive in cities that can be used or used for farmers.
“It was an unnecessarily destroyed action for a purely political showmanship,” Grick said.
“After Trump issued his presidential order to do something about California’s water, it seems that the Army officials are in a hurry to answer,” Greque said. “The California water system is very delicate between all competitive benefits, indicating that this episode can cause confusion even a slight interference of that system. “
Local water manager said he was involved in a guard off guard on Thursday. Previously, DAN VINK, a water consultant who used to be a general manager in the TULE RIVER irrigation area, called this situation “very unprecedented.”
VINK said that the release of the size would usually be adjusted a few days ago. Thursday local water administrators reported concerns to the Army officials. The Army official agreed to release less water than the original plan and delay the release until Friday. Anyway, some of the water release proceeded.
The Army Engineers did not respond to the Monday comments on the reasons for the release of the water and where the water was.
Barcellos’ Lower Tule irrigation area, TULE RIVER ASSN. , Kaweah & ST. JOHNSRIVERS ASSN. The Telea irrigation area also issued a joint statement on Monday that both reservoirs are stored for the irrigation purpose of various users in order to be distributed based on established water rights. According to the statement, the water is “managed in cooperation with the corps and has the advantages of both flood control and water supply.”
In the water area, the water supply business in California is “incredibly complicated”, and the transfer of water supply is “Wide range of piping, safety concerns, laws, and adjustments of various owners and operators of water and canal. It is necessary to understand. ” In their statements, they stated that the Trump administration officials were “close contact” with local experts and members of Congress.
They said that many of the water were used to charge groundwater. Some water flowed into grooves into natural areas such as Cowear Oaks.
Greak pointed out that the Telea basin is experiencing a drought. Since October, this area has almost had a record of precipitation.
“We hope we really want the water to come back this summer,” said Grick. “I really hope that Trump’s water has returned to the reservoir and released.”
Several members of the Democratic Party of Congress criticized the Trump administration’s decision and demanded an answer.
“This sudden, unreliable movement will bring serious concerns to the lower agricultural activities and community because there is almost no time for local governments to adjust or plan.” Letter to Doug Burgam.
They are worried that they have not satisfied their intentions to provide additional water to Los Angeles, and will reduce the possibility of obtaining important local governments and agricultural water this year. You can do it. “
They asked information about who specifically -Trump or others gave orders, whether the government was involved in the government’s efficiency, and whether the authorities had adjusted them with state and local officials. (State authorities stated that they are not involved in the decision.)
“The general public deserves a clear answer to these questions, and deserves the guarantee that similar actions will not be taken in the future, such as risking the safety of the downstream community.” Huffman and Larsen said they would lose their plans.
Jim Costa, a member of the Democratic member of Telea County and Fresno County, said that he had “serious concerns” about what happened.
“At this time, the release of unplanned water will bring a serious threat to the reliable water supply of this year when there is little demand for snow packs below the average of irrigation water,” says Costa. I wrote it. “In addition, this may increase the water cost of the farmers of this crop year due to the expected dry state.”
MATT HURLEY, a general manager of the McMullin regional sustainability agency, said that the release of water was intended as a “political statement.”
“Will it help LA fire? No, not, but it will help groundwater,” Harley said. And it is one important positive, as the local institution focuses on charging more water in order to deal with chronic excessive pumping that causes a decline in water levels. I added that it is a thing.
“From the perspective of groundwater managers, it is better to put water on the ground than nothing.”
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