The Los Angeles City Council voted on Tuesday that the landlord would ban the tenants by allowing the people and pets that were chased by last month’s fire to live.
With 14 to 0 votes, the councilor gave a preliminary approval to such ordinances. This says that some housing leases need supporters to prohibit unauthorized people or pets.
The new rules that are expected to return to the council for the final voting next week will last only for one year, and only if additional residents and pets are evacuated due to Parisade, Eaton, or other January fire. It will be.
The tenant needs to inform the landlord that he brought a resident or pets in the fire, and provide a variety of information, including the addresses that had previously been resident by additional residents.
Protection applies to all properties in the city.
Furthermore, if the building falls under the city’s rent stabilization ordinance, the landlord will not be able to impose a special rent that is usually permitted when new residents are fire refugees. 。
“In this emergency, kindness and compassion should not be punished,” said Treishi Park, a representative of the hard hit Pacific Paris Sace, told his colleagues before the poll. “Anyone who has opened the house to provide evacuation shelters, peace and safety, does not need to worry.”
Tuesday’s Council’s actions are taking place in a greater debate on the type of tenant protection provided by the January fire in January, which destroyed or severely damaged or more than 12,000 houses in the county.
After the fire broke out on January 7, there was a wide range of illegal price gowns, but it is unknown how competitive the entire rental market in the region is.
Housing and disaster recovery experts have said that thousands of houses have already been destroyed in tough markets, and their rent will increase to some extent.
Most lost houses look like a single family’s house, but some experts expect the rent to the highest in large -scale units adjacent to the combustion area, from the disaster zone. Make it smaller, increase costs and apply pressure to a distant place.
Last week, the council refused to accept the increase in rentals in many apartments in the entire city if the tenant was affected by a fire, and did not pay the rent. We have banned some types of evacuation.
In a fierce debate, some councilors, including the park, criticized the rules as being too drastic. The proposal was sent to the housing and homeless committee of the Council, which will be heard on Wednesday.
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