The supervisor of Los Angeles County wants to increase the price of gowns after wildfire.
Both of the supervisor Lindsay Hovas and Cathelin Burger saw both of them were destroyed by a fire, but on Tuesday, the county of LA County was $ 10,000. He called for a resolution to increase to $ 50,000.
“There are still bad actors who use this crisis,” said Horvath, who contains a black Pacific Palace.
Immediately after the disaster, California’s law generally banned more than 10 % of the landlords he had asked before. Violators may face up to one year and $ 10,000 in prison.
In Los Angeles, some officials want to increase the penalty to $ 30,000. Burger in the district, including Altadena, said she wanted to go further, and argued that the looted landlords of the entire LA county should pay for a sudden price.
“When someone hears it is misunderstanding, I always smile,” said Burger. “No, if you leave it for $ 8,000 a month, and after the fire, it will be up to $ 23,000 per month.”
Some tenant supporters are worried that enhanced penalties are purely symbolic. The state approach to price gowns is all bark and not bitten.
“We are in the fourth week of the crisis of the fire, but only two have been charged,” he said, a spreadsheet that distributed a wide distribution that the lessee reported on the price of gowns found on the site. Chelsea Kirk, a 30 -year -old organizer behind him, said. Zillow etc. “What is that signal for the landlord?”
California Ati. General Rob Bonta claimed a real estate agent in the Lakanyada Flint Ridge last month and raised the price of rental properties by 38 %. Bonta has claimed to another agent, which is said to hike more than 50 % of the GLENDALE property price.
Last month, the tenant supporter, including Kirk, published a report of 1,300 price gowns in Zillow in the first half of the week after the fire broke out. Since then, she has found a group of 1,500 examples.
“The fact that we have so many rent gowners means that only two people have been prosecuted, meaning that it doesn’t matter what penalties are. It doesn’t matter what kind of strong language you use, “she said. “Statistically, what are two out of 2,800?”
Bonta says his office says, “There are many things that are good in our promises that the price Goger is responsible.”
Ractityty. Hydee Feldstein Soto announced on Tuesday that her office has claimed by up to 50 % of the rental platform BlueGround in the aftermath of a wildfire.
According to Rafael Calvajal, the captain of the consumer and the business bureau, LA County has received 915 complaints on price gowns. He stated that the number does not include an example in crowdsourced spreadsheets.
According to Carbajal, price gowns can replenish fuel with rental price setting software.
This software, which is popular with real estate management companies, recommends the highest rent that real estate owners can claim based on the market.
Companies such as Yardi and real pages have been scrutinized by the US Department of Justice using this software, and the federal government claims that algorithms artificially expand their housing prices. This summer, San Francisco became the first city in the country where landlords banned this kind of software as “automatic price fixed”.
LA county leaders stated on Tuesday that some landlords that the county scrutinized for price gowns, then pointing their fingers to these companies and then considering similar crackdowns in the aftermath of fire. 。
“We anticipate that it has nourished the increase,” Calvaharu said. “Some of them apologize and” I didn’t know that I was adjusting the price. I hope I’m in trouble. “
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