The first storm of the two Pineapple Express Storms provided more pounding in the San Francisco Gulf, breaking the rainfall, and arrived in Southern California.
The house in the Forest Building in Sonoma County County Fallest Building has fallen into the Russian river after the raining hills collapse, and all lowlands on the river downstream of Healsberg, including Hellsberg, are due to flood risk. I evacuated to. Roads are flooded throughout the region, including the US 101 lane near Santa Rosa, the California 99 in San Hoakin County County County and California 99. A large tree branch of Visitacion Valley in San Francisco fell and attacked a person who refused to be taken to the hospital.
According to Pacific Gas & Electric Co, the power outage was affected early in the morning on Wednesday.
It is expected that storms will be weak in Southern California.
Meteorological scholars say that the storm of the gust of the gust on Wednesday can cause floods and cause rocks in the canyon road. But it is probably beneficial for Los Angeles and Ventura County, which helps to reduce the risk of wildfire.
The National Weather Service is 5 % to 10 % in the area where the fire of the two counties was covered and the Santa Barboth Corpal of Los Olibos in the Corpal of the Lake in 2024 in 2024. It is estimated.
The gust from the south and southwest is 15-30 mph, is common in LA County and Ventura County, and is up to 50 mph in the Takanba desert. They are expected to reach the peak from 10:00 pm on Tuesday to Wednesday, and may probably cause delays and isolated power outages at Los Angeles International Airport. The Bureau’s Oxnard Office said. In Santa Barbara and Saint -Luis Obispo County, the gust may become even stronger, and trees will fall.
(National weather service)
San Louis northwestern Obispo County is a concern. Until Wednesday morning, 4-8 -inch rain may fall in the Santarsia mountains. The Santarsia Mountains are located on the tower on a coastal town of Morobay, Cambria, and Sansimion, and is a large sulp area.
“It’s a lot of rain during that period. According to Land, I am a little worried about the increase in creek flow, influencing California 1 in the northwestern part of Saint -Luis Obisupo -gun.
Authorities are preparing potential landslides and mud flow in Southern California. Pacific Coast Highway’s 8 -mile stretch was closed on Tuesday afternoon. This is because there is a risk of fragments between Pacific Paris Sede’s Chartok Asorberd and Maribbean Beach Terrace. The 4 -miles of the Pacific Oceans have also been closed.
The first atmosphere storm in Southern California was expected to stay in Los Angeles County and Ventura County after 10 am on Wednesday. Second, the prediction is expected to be weaker, and it is expected to peak in the afternoon and evening on Thursday. It may still rain between the two storms and the early morning on Saturday.
From Friday night to Monday, in areas where wind is likely to occur, there is a possibility of dry winds from 15 mph to 50 miles / h, but considering the recent rain, the risk of fire weather is minimal. Santa Clarita can lower the relative humidity to 12 %, 13 % in Canoga Park, and 17 % for Sulide Oaks. In areas, including downtown LA, Cobina, and Long Beach, the relative humidity of about 30 % is high, and a Redund Beach (43 %) is seen.
(National weather service)
It is a Santa -ana -style style event, bringing a gust and a relatively dry air to the area. Since the wind comes out of the north, the wind generally comes out from the north, so when the wind comes out of the northeast, it is not considered “pure” Santaanana, and it is Ryan, a meteorological scholar. Kittel is an Oxnard office of the Meteorological Bureau.
“These winds do not affect all the same areas as the true Santaanana,” Kittel said. “And it’s not as dry as expected.”
Even if it rains this week, considering the serious deficit of the region in winter rainfall, the decreasing amount of precipitation will probably not be enough to declare the fire season.
This week’s rainfall is expected to be modest. For downtown Los Angeles, the first storm is 0.43 inches and the second is 0.41. It is less than 1.5 inches by combining with 0.54 inch downtowns received on January 25-27. Meteorological scholars say that a 2-4 -inch rain is needed to clarify the end of the fire season.
“Rain provides some fuel -type temporary remedies with high moisture, but the expected rain this week is not enough to completely end the high fire season,” Lund said. Ta.
“Next week, if you get a really dry Santa Anana instead of a storm, you can still have it. [the] The possibility of an extreme fire behavior, “said a meteorist. Given the serious lack of sediment in Southern California, she is combined with the arrival of a strong wind from the dry desert, and the return to the danger of fire. She said she could mark.
However, the forecast is monitoring the possibility of another storm that may arrive next week between February 12 and February 15. There is a probability of 10 % and 40 % with a large amount of rain, a medium probability, a low amount of 30 %. It is unlikely that it will not rain is 20 %.
For the first storm this week, Santa Clarita was able to rain 1/7 inches. Covina, 3/10 inch. Los Angeles downtown, canoga park, long beach, 2/5 inch. Redend beach, about 0.5 inches. Thousand oaks, 3/5 inches. Oxnard, 2/3 inch. Sanuluis Obispo, 1.16 inches. Santa Barbara, 1.69 inches.
The second atmosphere of the river, downtown Los Angeles, Canoda Park, Redund Beach, Long Beach, Santa Clarita, and Thousand Oaks were able to rain 2/5 inches. COVINA and OXNARD, about 0.5 inches. Santa Barbara and Saint -Luis Obiso, about 3/5 inch.
In the case of San Diego County, Orange County, and inland Empire, Arashi may become even weaker, and sometimes rainfall may occur until Friday night.
Regarding the two storms this week, San Diego can rain up to 1/5 inches. Riverside, up to 3/10 inch. Sunberner Dino and Ocean Side, up to 2/5 inches. Urbine and sanctuary, up to 0.5 inches. Anaheim, up to 7/10 inch.
(National weather service)
Crossing the Northern California, the Union River on Tuesday -the second in the area since Friday has packed punches. A gust hit 90 mph on a mountain in Marine -gun, another gust was recorded at 69 miles per hour at San Francisco International Airport, and a one -time gust was 55 mph / h in San Francisco.
San Francisco’s downtown rained 2.89 inches on Tuesday and broke the record of the 2.22 -inch rain in 1887. San Francisco International Airport recorded 1.75 inches and broke the 1.3 -inch record on February 4, 1991.
The Charles M. Surutsu Sonoma Airport near Santa Rosa recorded 2.72 inches and broke the record of the calendar day last year when the 1.85 inches dropped.
Since Friday, it has recorded more than 17 inches on Mount Tamalpice in Marine County.
On Tuesday, there was a report of the North Bay landslide, and there was a flood between the city and the stream. The flood closed some roads in Marine County, including California 1 between Point Rayes Station and Bear Valley Road.
The Russian River in Ghanville was predicted to reach the minor flood stage early on Wednesday. According to Sonoma County, the flood at the level may begin to flood the bottom section of the river.
According to the KPIX-TV, mud from the hills of the hill flowed into the apartment in the Fair Fax town in Marine County. No injuries have been reported.
In San Francisco, about 5 feet x 4 feet pots were opened in the Marina area in the heavy rain. KGO-TV’s News Cruis reported that several autonomous Waymo cars drove pots at full speed and ignored the efforts of crew to get a vehicle to avoid hazards.
According to the television station, the tree also fell to East Bay and San Mate County.
On Tuesday afternoon, a serious thunderstorm warning was issued in the belt of San Francisco, Sanmateo County and Marine County, and the warning of gusts was up to 70 mph, which brought a considerable damage to wood, roof and mobile houses. Ta.
In the evacuation, the Democratic Party of the news agency reported that the parking lot was flooded and some cars were submerged in some cars, and then ordered at the Santa Rosa medical facility and the nearby Hampton Inn.
The flood temporarily forced the closure of the south lane on the Stockton’s Ichimi Expressway 5. A flood had occurred on Tuesday night, far north of Sanhoakin County, California, and had to be closed in Rodody.
In Mendosino County, a significant flood was expected along the California 175 in the Russian River near Hopland, and the Navaro Navaro River was expected to have moderate floods.
Reno’s Meteorological Service Office said that the middle of the Susan River in Susanville in Lassen County was also predicted.
In Sierra, the staff issued a backcountry avalanche warning to Lake Taho for heavy snow, rainy snow, and strong winds on Tuesday. The warning is expected to last until Wednesday.
In the Lake Taho area of Daiko, the forecaster expected 1 to 3 feet snow at an altitude of 7,000 feet above sea level and an altitude of 6 to 12 inches.
In mono -gun, which contains mammoth moms, it was expected that 1 to 3 feet snow would exceed 8,000 feet and accumulate up to 6 inches below the altitude.
The snow level of LA county exceeds 6,500-8,000 feet.
The rain will come after the tragic start up to 2025 in Los Angeles County. Eaton Fire has a parisade fire that burns more than 14,000 acras in the Altadena region and burns 23,400 acres on the west side of Los Angeles. More than 16,000 structures, including many houses, have been destroyed by a fire, recording 29 deaths.
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