I enjoyed breakfast with a friend at my wife’s restaurant in Santa Ana’s downtown, so the sun was bright and the sky turned blue on Saturday morning.
We were talking about how Philadelphia Eagles ran through Saku -on Berkley and bounced off Kansas City Chiefs in a super bowl like a pinball.
The streets preachers, noisy hip stars, Corid and Oldies and the Oldies have returned to chat because they are part of the neighborhood soundtrack. However, the distant noise continued to be larger until it sounded like an RO sound.
“Is that a protest?”
“Yeah,” my friend said, “Probably about ice,” before cracking immigrants and customs executives.
He was right.
We went out and saw the fourth street suddenly flocking with young people. They cried out, “¡sísepuede!” “¡El Pueblo Unido Jamas Sera Vencido!” (United people never split.) Some spinning wooden noise makers, “Stop separating your family” and “Relaxing Gringo I’m legal “I had the sign that said. The atmosphere was loud and proud, and the spectators cheered them.
What I saw on Saturdays was a nationwide weekend of President Trump, a plan to strictly restrict his illegal immigrants, strictly limit legal immigrants, and end the right to live. The protests gathered in the Dallas City Hall and marched along the Bhuford Highway, a traditional immigration landing point in East Sanhose and Atlanta. In Los Angeles, people demonstrated in Pakoima, took over the downtown 101 highways, and made traffic congestion for several hours.
We recorded two short videos of Santaanana’s events, uploaded to social media, and returned to chirardirs. A few minutes later, I checked my post. They were mostly positive, but some were angry and angry that I didn’t think:
Mexico flag.
Tricolor is part of the Santa Ana landscape, so it easily escaped my attention. In addition, in all immigration protests I have seen in the past 30 years, people are shaking it with the flags of other Latin American countries.
This weekend rally in Seattle, Arkansas, St. Louis, and Florida had a few American flags. On Monday, Tricolor flew proudly all over the United States in Los Angeles.
File photo of 1994 of Oxnard High School students. Voting Initiatives, which gathered at the Oxnard Plaza Park and protest to protest against the Proposition 187, tried to make it miserable for illegal immigrants and their children.
(Blues K. Huff /Los Angeling Staims)
In the protest against Trump and his immigrant Goon squad, you will see more Mexico flags, not a few months. And you’ve heard the following questions. Not only the opponents of illegal immigrants, but also more than a few immigrant activists were asked.
Why shake the flags of other countries, not the United States? How do you beat the warlord’s proverb’s heart and heart of the enemy dominating the White House and Capitol Hill? Isn’t it ridiculous to provoke Trump and his supporters the night the night before that he would be a crackdown on foreign expulsions that have never been seen for decades? And can we find a larger target for Lamigra than the color scheme of the red, white, green, or blue and white flags of Central American countries?
These questions have divided immigration movements from the early 1990s. In the early 1990s, measures to dislike foreigners overwhelmed local governments and state governments in the southwestern United States, and collided with the best way for the mainstream group to fight student activists.
The moderate was always afraid that Latin Americans were shaking the flags of Mexico, El Salvador, Venezuela, and other ancestors. It is afraid that Latin Americans never assimilate and use some of the American spirit that believes that they are a sleeping agent to overthrow this country. . They have been particularly worried about the radioactive flags, especially for conservatives. It is the flag of the southern neighbor, which we have officially held war for over 175 years.
One of those suspicious people once was yours.
In 1994, I saw a local news segment. Fraton’s elderly black gentlemen and students who have protested the proposition 187 are notorious voting initiatives, like domestic immigrants and children.
The man supported the students, but asked for the flag of the Mexico to shake the American flag. Instead, they shouted at him. He was upset, he told reporters that he originally opposed the proposition 187, but now he is planning to support the measures (it passed 59 % of the voting, but was eventually unconstitutional. Ta).
That encounter always stayed at me. Swinging a foreign flag at a rally for immigration rights without a dissertation in this country seems to be intuitive. But you and your beloved people are dressed in the screams of the American flag to take out hell from “their” countries, why people confronting such dousarism and expressing their pride in their background. I understand the reasons for accepting symbols reflectively.
And now, I think immigration rights protesters should waving the American flag – not just because they live here and can stay here for immigrants. On the left, you need to regain the stars and stripes from the right. From the right, the striped pattern will embrace it or wear it as a statement of Gauche Fashion by Secretary of Defense Pete Hegces.
But my idea has evolved in decades. I always smile when I see people waving a foreign flag at the rally.
The flag guardians have always argued that it is a way for ordinary people to express their anger and passion while they insert into El Mobimiento on their terms. The flag shaking is bold and requires a good team attack. While such logic goes on, public opinion battles can be lost in the short term, these people push the immigration debate to a better place.
Demo participants oppose the proposal to propose laws to suppress illegal immigrants during the protests in 2006, shaking the flags of Mexico and the United States and suppressing illegal immigrants at the Costamesa City Hall.
(Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times)
Which kids abandoned the black gentlemen in Flaton? Their movements fundamentally changed the politics of California for the next generation and changed the nation in blue. A high school student who went out in 2006 when the parliament was discussing whether to hand over a steroid proposal 187 version? They sat down and protested until the members passed their fellow tuition without documents.
With such intense defense, the Obama administration urged the Obama administration to create an postponed behavior for the arrival of a child in 2012, and even Trump has shown sympathy for the so -called dreamers. And although citizens have still avoided them, many have participated in local and parliament races and have continued political advocacy by helping candidates to win.
What did the American flag at the immigration rally achieve? Certainly, it is a wonderful photo operation, but the Republican member of the Hard heart has not melted in the last few years. Moreover, Trump will deport immigrants singing “Star Spangold Banner” in front of old glory if they get the chance.
It’s a good problem to shake a foreign flag in a protest. This is that brave people gather together and are tall to the commander of the chief who does not understand anything other than confusion.
On Monday, I got down from my wife’s restaurant from my Saster Park and Ronal Dragan Federal Court House, then rolled downtown Santa Anana again, and spread over the well in the evening. The car drove with passengers developing the flags of Mexico, Salvador and Guatemala. Once again, everyone was proud and proud.
A few blocks away, Tustin resident Juan Galvez wore a Cape-like Mexican flag. It was hanging just above his ankle. When he was back to his car, I caught him. This was the first time that the 20 -year -old protested something. He and his parents are American citizens, but he has a friend who is not the parent Relative.
He asked why he was not wrapped in the US flag.
“Because we are Mexican, Trump is attacking us,” Galves replied. “I think we are garbage. I’m not garbage, and I’m not afraid.”