As egg prices skyrocket at grocery stores, so does one farm business based in Southern California, as consumers are looking for more common grocery items at a lower cost.
Dozens of vehicles were seen outside Billy’s egg farm in Chino on Tuesday, hoping to avoid grocery prices. According to data from Expana, egg production has recently skyrocketed in egg costs, with dozen egg cartons reaching $8. Consumers paid an average of around $4.15 in December, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
When chickens suffer from avian flu, farmers experience a lack of eggs, which keeps costs down. As a result, some retailers like Trader Joe and Costco have placed a limit on the number of cartons in the number of customers.
A social media post Tuesday said Billy’s egg farm, which opened at 8am, was expected to sell out eggs by 11am.
Click here to learn more about Billy’s Egg Farm.