The rapid reduction in illegal crossings at the southern US border has raised questions about the key democratic topics during the 2024 campaign. The then-leader accused then-President Former Donald Trump of helping to kill bipartisan border laws that he argued was the only way to secure borders.
“President Trump’s Border Patrol President’s fast and successful border security proves that Biden’s false claim that a Senate border instability bill would require nothing more than a power in Biden’s attempt to codify his open border tools and hamstring future presidents who want to enforce the law.”
As evidence continues that Trump’s policies have rapidly improved the situation at the southern border, comments will only meet 200 aliens at the border on February 22, including news from last week that day’s border unrest reached 15-year lows.
“President Trump and Secretary Noem have sent a clear message to illegal aliens. Don’t come to our country, you will not be allowed.
Trump reports that illegal immigrants will meet at historic lows in the first month of their inauguration
This composite image shows President Biden, former President Trump, and tropical borders. (AP Photo/Gerard Herbert and Fox News)
The news comes days after Border Patrol Mike Banks Chief News told CBS News in an interview that the tropical border intersection had dropped 94% from the same period last year.
Trump has been able to cut numbers through his administration, but many Democrats spent 2024 claiming that the ongoing crisis at the border was the result of Trump and his allies joining the president’s hands by passing through the Senate early in the year and resisting the bipartisan border bill supported by former President Joe Biden.
“Every day between now and November, Americans will know that the only reason the borders are not safe is Donald Trump and his Magazine Republican friends,” Biden said in February after the bill was not passed.
“Frankly, I would have wanted to address this issue through bipartisan law because it’s the only way we can actually get the kind of system we’re breaking and pinned now: hire more border patrol officers, more asylum officers, more judges.
That responsibility game continued throughout the 2024 campaign, followed by top Democrat leaders who stacked up Trump to help kill laws they argued to end the crisis.
Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, DN.Y., will talk to reporters about President Donald Trump’s agenda after a democratic policy lunch at the Capitol in Washington on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewite)
“He’s Delivering”: Trump’s First Month Flips Scripts on Radical Biden Harris Border Policy
“If my Republican colleagues really believe the system is broken, why did they vote against a bill that offered more immigrant judges, more asylum officers and gained support from the highly conservative Border Patrol Coalition?” Chuck Schumer, the then-majority leader, asked in a May press release on border security.
“When Americans ask who will blame the ongoing confusion at the border this year, they should hear what comes from Donald Trump himself,” Schumer added.
Former Vice President Kamala Harris took the torch and rose to the top of Democrat tickets, then continued to blame Republicans for the crisis, claiming that the law fixed the issue at the border without Trump’s intervention.
“Donald Trump got the words of this bill that helped us secure our borders,” Harris said in an August interview.
“He preferred to have problems instead of solving problems,” Harris said during a September discussion with Trump. “He believed he didn’t help him politically, so he told his people in Congress, ‘Don’t let it go ahead.’ ”
Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris will speak at the PNC Music Pavilion in Charlotte, North Carolina at the campaign rally on Saturday, November 2, 2024 (AP Photo/Jaclyn Martin)
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“He killed the bill, a border security bill that is likely to have 1,500 agents on the border,” she added.
But Reese argued that Trump’s enforcement actions not only helped ease the crisis after he took office, but that Democrats had a different legislative option for a long time in the Border Patrol Act, which had already passed the Republican-controlled House.
“The Senate could have passed HR-2, a safe border law… the house had already passed it and had collected dust on the Senate desk,” Reese said.
Michael Lee is a Fox News writer. Before joining Fox News, Michael worked for Washington examiners,, and for the impartial US. He has covered politics for over eight years.
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