Police say hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stolen items have been recovered from two storage units at Baldwin Park.
In mail to Instagram on Monday, Baldwin Park Police Station said that search warrants were executed on January 28th and 29th in the storage unit.
The unit was connected to an organized theft group, police said.
Inside, authorities discovered stolen property related to more than 20 cases in Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties. The value of the stolen goods was estimated to be hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The Baldwin Park police station shared photos of allegedly stolen items recovered from the storage unit. Police said the product was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. (Baldwin Park PD)
Police said the suspects targeted the warehouse and the loading bay. They are said to have stolen items from the palette. The suspect used a white Toyota Sienna.
Items such as projectors, translator earphones, tablets, clothing and more were seen in photos shared by Baldwin Park PD.
It was not immediately clear whether the arrests were made in the incident.
Authorities said they were looking for more casualties. Anyone who believes they are victims of crime should contact the Baldwin Park Police Station Detective Bureau on the 626-960-1955 extension. 418.