Some parents at the inland Imperial Middle School said they were furious after the video footage showed a violent battle between students in the eighth grade classroom, leaving one student unconscious.
The battle took place on March 10th at Jehue Junior High School in Colton.
Racial slander can be heard behind the scenes of the video, and the girl left unconscious was a black student.
“She and I were wet. She told him to stop. He got mad and got her water bottle and they started fighting,” said Rosemary Hidalgo, a middle school student at Jehue.
Following the splash, the video footage appears to show the girl throwing a laptop at the girl. The boy drops the girl down on the desk and knocks unconsciously.
Witnesses said the girl was seen throwing metal objects at the boy several times before the video.
At a press conference Friday, some parents expressed concern about child safety at schools since the incident occurred in classrooms with teachers.
“We send the kids to school and somehow they’re safe and adult supervising. And this kind of thing still happens, and it’s sad to see our students feel it’s a joke. What was interesting in some way, I don’t see anything interesting,” said Elena Tapia, a parent at Jehue Middle School.
The incident has been investigated by Colton Police and immediate action has been taken by classroom teachers, according to the Rialto School Unified District.
“We got a call to the safety officer and say there was a decisive action taken during that time, and everything is under investigation in the meantime,” said Syeda Jafri, the district’s communications agent.
The Rialto Unified School District said in a statement that it had acted promptly and contacted the parents of the students involved while providing medical assistance.
“This disturbing and unfortunate incident is under investigation by the district and local government,” the statement said. The district does not tolerate violent behavior by students and does not tolerate hate speech on any campus. ”
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