Los Angeles Police Chief Jim McDonnell said on Monday that Wifi Jammers are being used to break into the house by a Los Angeles robbery.
Jammers are the universal key, and today’s hottest devices are being made by criminals trying to bypass the latest technology, the LAPD chief said.
Experts say the device can jam the system within seconds.
“I’m buying a device, for a few hundred dollars,” said Guy Cohen, founder of Secureit Homes.
He said criminals can intercept and disable wireless security systems without having to enter the house or unlock the alarm.
According to Cohen, one way to discourage intruders is to have a hardwired system.
“The robbers are not trying to climb a utility pole or cut a wire,” he said.
To protect your property, it’s best to start from the outside surroundings, from extra lighting to noisy alarms.
“You have to think of your house as an onion,” Cohen said. “There’s an outer layer you want to protect with an early detection system and there’s the middle of the onion. This is the windows and doors you want to protect with a particular product.”
As a final layer of protection, Cohen recommended that the home have special rooms, such as a safe space where robbers cannot enter.
Chief McDonnell said people can rely on others in the community to keep their homes safe.
“I know your neighbor,” he said. “Let them pay attention to you. You’re looking for them, and you know what’s less well known than your neighbors.”
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