Shen Yun Dance Company is facing allegations of forced labor and child labor in a lawsuit filed by a former dancer with the company.
Chan Chun-ko, who lives in Taiwan and used to dance with Shen Yun, said Shen Yun “carries out sophisticated activities designed to identify vulnerable people and put them to work as dancers, and they are “lock them into a system that controls every aspect of the world.” and forcing them to work grueling hours through multiple methods of control and coercion,” detailed the lawsuit, which was first reported by Seamus Hughes Forensic Watch.
Related entities, Shen Yun’s financial backer Chicago International Bank, executives Li Hongzhi, Li Rui, and Gong Shujia, also known as Zhang Tianliang, are also named as defendants.
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The lawsuit includes numerous allegations, including that dancers deemed to have stepped out of line were subjected to public humiliation and not allowed to leave the group’s premises or speak to their families.
Shen Yun, which touts its depiction of pre-communist China, also made headlines this year after Chinese government officials admitted they tried to bribe National Tax Service officials to pursue Falun Gong. A prominent critic of the Chinese Communist Party.
Shen Yun did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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