For the second year in a row, Virginia neighbours have won the highest honors in their annual study of the best places to live in the United States. Meanwhile, one Southern California neighborhood has skyrocketed towards the top of the list.
Research and ranking platform Niche annually reviews data from the Census Bureau, FBI, NOAA, Niche Local Survey and other sources to publish a report ranking more than 12,000 communities across the country.
In 2025, the colonial village of Arlington, Virginia was once again the best place to live. Living with just over 3,000 people, the neighborhood has achieved top grades for public schools, health and fitness, commutes, nightlife and family friendly.
“This year’s results highlight significant growth in the South, which is well represented in the best places to buy a home, and the lowest cost of living category,” Niche PR manager Zach Chatham told Nextstar. “Texas in particular stands out as a top destination, attracting a surge in rookies.”
IRS data show that a SmartAsset survey in late 2024 reflects these findings, indicating that around 615,000 people moved to the lonely Seongshu between 2021 and 2022.
Climbing from 404th to 5th on the list, he was a niche A+ grade in a city centre neighborhood in Santa Monica. ”
“Living in the city centre gives residents a dense urban feel, with most residents renting homes,” Niche noted. “The city centre is home to lots of bars, restaurants, coffee shops and parks. Many young professionals and retirees live in the city centre, and residents tend to have moderate political views.
The city centre was the only California neighborhood ranked in the top 20.
According to Niche, the top 50 locations in America:
ranknamearea typecountymetro area2025ranking2024ranking1colonial villageneighborlingtoncountyWurthington, DC area112Atlantic stationstationstation stationuthorhhoodfultoncountyAtlanta area2273chesterbrooktowntownchestercountyphiladelphia area334harbourbourneighloodhoodhofhoodhillsemonica)NearbyLos AngelesCanterosAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesAngelesA City/Oscawananeighborhoodhillsborough Countytampa Area1211313PennWynnetownMontgomery Countyphiladelphia Area133514BROOKRINGOWNETOWNTOWNKOONTOWNOK BOUTYBOSTONCounty Orlando Area1547416CINCO RANCHTOWNFORT BEND COUNTYTON AREA16517BALLSTON/VIRGIRIA SQUARENEIGHBORDHOIDTON COUNTYWASHINGTON, DC AREA174418RADNOR/FORT MYER HEIGHTSNEIGHBORHOODTON COUNTYTON COUNTYWASHINGTON, DC ARIC Stateneighborhoodtravis CountyAustin Area204021Evergreen Parkneighborhoodsanta Clara Coveysan Francisco Bay Area21722CambridgeMiddlesex County Boston Area 223023NaperVilletownDupage CountyChicago Area232424innsbroktownricoArea242125CLARENDON HILLSTOWNDUPAGE COUNTYCHICAGO AREA252926NORTH POTOMACTOWNMONTGOMERY COUNTYWASHINGTON, DC AREA263127BRENTWOODTOWNST. Louis Countyist. Louis Area271728CarytownWake Countyraleigh Area283229HinsDaletownDupage Countychicago Area293830Mount Pleasantneighborhooddistrict of Columbia CountyWashington, DC Area30713131Blue Ashtownhamilton CountycinegutinghoodhoodhoodhustancpoboboboboboboboboboboboboboboboboboboboboboboboboboxArea321033Alpharetta TownAtlanta Area332534ho-ho-kustownbergen Countynew York City City Area34493536audubon parkneighborhoodorange countyorlando Area372238Morningside/LennoxParnoxSparnbeadFultonCountyAtlantaArea383339NORTHHHLWESTEARLINGTONCountyWashington, DCArea3930140SwartOnDelawarecountyphiladelphiaArea40341 Bethesdatownmontgomery County Washington, DCArea421843Fultontownnoward Countybaltimore Area43144444Los Alamostownlos Alamos Countysanta Fe Area449045 Great Neck Plazatownnassau Countynew city city city city city city city city city city city county464547Clarendon/CourthouseNeighborhoodton CountyWashington, DC AREA477548 UNIVISSITY SOUTHNEIGHBORHOODSANTA CLARA FRANCISCO BAY ARIA482649MEADOWBROOKTOWNSHELBY COUNTYBIRMINGHAM ARIA493450BUCKHEAD VILLAGENEIGHROHOD COUNTYATLICE: NEARTON County Area
Niche found that the following states have the most entries in the top 100: Florida (13), Virginia (11), Texas (8), Georgia (8), and California (8).
At the local level, some states have made a big leap into rankings. According to a US community survey, Los Angeles city centre ranked 404th in 2024, but shot to age 50 a year later thanks to a decline in rent-to-revenue ratio.
The niche increased from 474 to 15 in downtown Orange County, Florida, and cited the following reductions in the health and fitness subcategories: Physically inert, smoking, uninsured, obese.
Finally, Buckhead Village in the Atlanta area went from 677 to 51 based on improved housing affordability, public schools, cost of living and walking.
For complete rankings and complete methods, please visit our niche website.
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