One of the largest immigration facilities in Washington -California, the federal judge has canceled the Pandemic Court Ordinance, which reduced the population to two detection, and will be detained again.
This movement has occurred more than a year later, more than a year after the portrait closure of the Adelant ice processing center to promote the federal government to prevent it from closing it. The US Immigration Customs Executive Organization has issued temporary contract extensions every few months while waiting for the resolution of the legal case.
On Friday, Terry Hatter Jr., the US district judge in the Central District, California, said, “Prohibition of new detainees at the Adelant ice processing center is an final fair hearing session. It will be released. ”
Legal conflicts focused on conditions in facilities for both employees and detected, and were not related to the current crackdown on President Trump’s immigrants. Nevertheless, facilities that can accommodate nearly 2,000 detainees can play a major role in execution of the administration following Trump’s pledge, which illegally cuts out people in the country.
The Immigration Bureau also did not immediately respond to comment requests.
The ADELANTO population began dramatically in 2020 after the occurrence of COVID-19 was torn through the facility, and Hatter ordered Hatter to release the detainee and banned new intake and transfer. I did it.
“We wanted to keep the intake as much as possible, but the ban was actually caused by the fact that it was not fair to hold people there,” said Southern California. Freedom union. “We believe that no one should be trapped in immigration detention, considering the record of human rights violation, and should not be trapped in Adeland.”
When the court issued a final approval of the reconciliation, the ban was relieved permanently, and the federal government and immigrant defenders reached December 23.
For now, the facilities can recreate up to 475 people. Bitrán said that the upper limit of the population established under the pandemic order was lifted with the final approval of the reconciliation. The capacity of the facility is 1,940.
Adeland was a former prison in Los Angeles, about 85 miles northeast of Los Angeles, and began to be operated as an ice detention in 2011. In total, California facilities can accommodate nearly 7,200 detentioners.
The Randy Erwin chairman of the Federation of ADELANTO’s employees, the Federation of Federation of the National Federation, was wasted because the taxpayers were wasted, so it was useless to be empty, so the facilities were recurring. I said I was happy to know.
“It was a state -of -the -art facility, and it was very clear that the previous administration and the future needed a bed,” he said. “I’m glad to see that our people did not lose their work, the facilities were open, and that our people were back to work.”
GEO Group employees earlier that the Times requires up to 500 workers for up to 500 workers. Irwin said that if the facility was closed, 350 union members would be fired.
The federal government moved to cancel the ban last year, but ACLU opposed it. The government did not provide a guarantee to protect people from returning COVID-19 to facilities when taking it. After the exchange, they finally moved to solve the case.
Bitrán said, five years later, he did not think that there was still a ban on the new detainee in Adelanto facilities.
“This is a big victory for us,” she said. “However, there was always a clock to ban the intake.”
The union of immigration rights, called SHUT DOWN ADELANTO, is a member of South California’s ACLU, has been defending the closure of facilities for many years, with many health, safety and human rights violations. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency in 2021 warned the GEO Group after finding a misuse of a chemical disinfectant spray suffered from a suffering of nasal symptoms and nausea.
Judy Chu (D-Monterey Park) strongly supports the closure of Adelanto
“I’m frankly, I’m afraid of the security and security of immigrants detained by Adelant Facility GEO Group and the Trump administration’s ice raid,” she said.
The Biden administration has finished contracting with some detention facilities nationwide, but the Trump administration has quickly moved to significantly expand immigrants.
On Wednesday, Trump signed a memorandum to the Federal Government to start the use of US Navy base in Cuba, Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, with 30,000 beds in order to detain “high -priority” immigrants.
“This will doubled our abilities right away,” Trump said in the White House early on that day. These remarks came shortly after Trump signed the Rayken Riley Act. The law increases detention by demanding immigrants charged with a particular crime, such as theft.
Congress provided funds to 41,500 immigrants last year’s accounting year. Before Trump took office, more than 39,000 had already been detained. During the first term of 2019, immigrants detained more than 55,000 people.
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