Leading up to New Year’s Eve, California Highway Patrol troopers will increase enforcement efforts against drunk and drug-impaired drivers in Los Angeles and Orange counties and across the state as part of a holiday anti-drunk driving campaign. .
CHP plans to begin the new year’s “Maximum Enforcement Period” at 6 p.m. Tuesday, when all available officers will be out to catch impaired drivers, speeders and other traffic violators. is.
The campaign, which recreates 30 hours of parliamentary activity during the Christmas period, will continue until late Wednesday night.
“Our personnel will continue to work hard throughout the holidays to ensure everyone gets to their destination safely,” said CHP Chief Sean Dury. “Safe roads are possible when all drivers take responsible decisions behind the wheel.”
The 2023-24 New Year’s Legislature recorded 892 arrests statewide, compared to 570 during the 2022-23 election cycle, according to the CHP.
However, last year’s campaign spanned three full days and nights, as it was a holiday weekend. This year’s initiative will take place mid-week, resulting in a shorter deployment period.
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