Eaton fire alone destroyed more than 14,000 acres, but the damage did not end with flames. The fire is filled with houses filled with daily chemicals, such as cleaning supplies, pesticides, and paints, which burn fuel with vehicles containing lithium and batteries and release dangerous pollutants into air. Due to being done, I left a toxic heritage.
“I think everyone in the Southern California area has a reason for concern,” said Michael Kleinman, a poisoner of the UC UC UC UC UC -UC -UC -UCHI Ministry of Environmental Labor and Health.
Kleinman explains that wildfire not only produces smoke, but also creates complex mixture of dangerous chemical substances.
“When organic materials such as trees and brushes are heated very high, they form new chemicals and many of them are very poisonous,” he said. “They can cause cancer. They can stimulate people and cause asthma.”
The recent air surveillance data collected by ASCENT, a federal funding network that tracks air pollutants in real time, has revealed lead and chlorine level amazing spikes in the height of the mountain fire in Los Angeles County. Although it is not visible with the naked eye, these microscopic particles can bring serious health risks. And because the wind changes, their harmful impacts can spread far beyond the immediate fire zone.
The threat of this growth environment has demanded more strong protection.
They are seeking more comprehensive temperament surveillance beyond the current smog measurement tracked in the South Coast Athletic Management District. The members of the Diet are promoting this issue to cooperate with federal government agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Federal Emergency Management Bureau (FEMA).
“What we are looking for today is additional monitoring and transparency,” a recent press conference said a member of the Diet, Judy Chu.
However, there is concern that the reduction in federal budgets may impair these efforts.
“I need FEMA workers. All EPA workers need to do what they are doing,” emphasized Brad Sherman, a member of the Congress.
Laura Friedman, a member of the Diet, repeatedly called for adjusted actions. “To perform regular air monitoring, regular soil monitoring, and water quality monitoring, we guarantee that it is safe to make adjusted efforts as we are looking for. She will help you, “she said.
On the other hand, inhabitants, such as Buliana Water House, are facing the harsh reality of life after the fire.
“Unfortunately, we have lost four family houses,” Water House shares. She also said she was definitely wearing protective equipment when she went to another place.
Currently, the role of EPA is limited. According to the agency, the phase 1 mission focuses on the liquidation of dangerous goods due to the fire damage, but phase 2 (including comprehensive aerial surveillance) is under the jurisdiction of the US Army engineer. there is.
As the wilderness becomes more frequent, the Southern California community is working on not only visible destruction, but also invisible threats in the air they breathe.
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