More than seven years have passed since the fire hydrant in the southern part of Ventura County exploded the fire of Thomas and dried quickly.
However, in November, the firefighter stepped on the water again when Mountain’s fire passed through the foot of Camarillo. The authorities later confirmed that at least one water pump was about 9 hours offline until one water pump was connected to the backup power supply. In addition, the power loss was left for hours during the 2017 Thomas Fire. A pump is required to replenish a high release tank to maintain water pressure.
“After Thomas’ fire, I thought all the water areas would put a backup generator,” Bennett said.
But that was not the case.
Benett felt that Bennett had no time to wait after the fire hydrant drying the fire season between the two large fire that devastated Los Angeles County. He has begun the drafting of the law introduced this week. This is a specific improvement of a water system in areas where fires are high, such as using a backup generator for water pumps and having all tanks in the water area prior to the weather of the fire. You will need it.
“I have to come up with a way to demand these best practices,” he said. “If we don’t do anything, we will continue these serious mountain fire events.”
Bennett’s bill, AB 367, requires such standards only in Ventura County, which started research on issues after Thomas and Mountain Fire, but plans to introduce laws that can expand the requirements for the entire state. The fire on the mountain destroyed more than 100 structures, but most of them were at home. Thomas Fire died and lost more than 1,000 structures.
He acknowledged that this measure would not solve the more destructive and expensive fire of California’s escalating, but that was the beginning.
“This is the beginning of trying to focus on one thing. It’s a way to reduce future losses,” said Bennett, a Democratic Party of Ventura County, who was a director of the county at the time of Thomas Fire. “I know that fire hydrants will lose pressure or fail during a large -scale wind -driven fire, but it is necessary to keep the operation as effective and as possible as possible.”
He knew that it would be more difficult to pass such a bill throughout the state, and he wanted to act quickly for his members, so for his counties and other states. He said he wrote another bill.
“We are burning more frequently [more than] “125 water district” said Bennett. “Standardization is required as soon as possible.”
The bill sets new requirements in the water area of the high -powered risk zone that provides at least 20 houses. Such a water area requires backup power that can operate the pump after planned or non -planned power outages. The aquarium ends the aquarium following the notification of an emergency staff regarding dangerous weather conditions. Commit to the annual review so that the water infrastructure satisfies the “fire safety standard”. In addition, a report will be submitted after a large fire that evaluates the role of the water system.
“We will learn a little more about ways to get better every time a fire,” said Congress Jackie Irwin. Irwin is a co -author of the bill.
Bennett said that if they were implemented, they would not guarantee that they would not have a dried fire hydrant in a major gunft battle, but “they shouldn’t run faster than necessary.” Ta.
During the first few hours of the wildfire, the authorities determined that at least two water pumps were not effective. One is because the flame and the other were destroyed in the flame because they lost their power during the planned power outage. CRESTVIEW MUTUAL WATER CO. reported to the water wholesaler that the pump was out from 2:00 pm to 11 pm when the generator was finally connected. It is not clear how those problems affected the fire.
The fire department continues to explain that the crew is preparing for water pressure and supply issues because urban water systems have not designed the ability to fight large -scale fire. In these situations, firefighters often use tanker trucks or draw water from other sources such as pools and reservoirs.
At that time, the devastation of a wildfire in the Camarilo area was the most destructive fire in Southern California. Later, Parisade and Eaton’s fire broke up Los Angeles County.
In both flames, the problem of water supply was challenged by firefighters, but experts and firefighters repeatedly stated that they did not supply enough water to fight these unstable wind -driven inferno. 。 They say that such high demand will burden such systems, especially when the altitude is high.
“There is no water system in a city that has been able to make these fires effectively,” said Max, a senior policy advisor to the Network of California, which advocates sustainable and fair use of water resources. The rubberberg is described. “But there is a way to reduce risk.”
Eaton Fires died 17 people, destroying more than 9,000 structures around Ultetta, but firefighters reported that electricity would affect water supply. The scope of these issues and the details of its effects are still under investigation.
Gregory piercings, the Director of the UCLA Water Resources Group, who works to deal with water issues around California and the world, said, “The redundancy and elasticity of electricity and elasticity will be useful in most fires.” I said. He said that there was a high possibility that there was a backup generation used in the area during the Eaton fire, but he would definitely help.
However, the pierced earrings pointed out that the power shut -off seemed to be a problem in the Parisard’s shooting battle, destroying almost 7,000 structures around the Pacific Parisards and its surroundings, killing 12 people.
Nevertheless, the Times discovered that Los Angeles’ water and the power bureau struggled to keep up with demand, and that firefighters are also dealing with low -water pressure and dry fire hydrants. Authorities also left the nearby reservoirs, which could support water supply. Gov. Gavin Newsom has ordered an independent survey on how the city processed water resources before and after the flame.
However, experts, especially in Ventura County, told the Times that the new requirements of the water supply agency make sense, given how frequently the region would lose power during the Santa -ana -style event. During such an incident, the public interest business blocks electricity to block power, reducing the risk of electrical equipment igniting fire.
However, Gomberg pointed out that the bill has no funding, and that the fee is likely to be expensive for improvement. Bennett acknowledged the possibility, but said that hiking was reasonable anyway, and he wanted the residents to understand its importance. He is also working to secure state funds that can cover the cost.
However, for a small water area and its customers, it can be a heavy load. Ian Prichard, an vice general manager in the Carleg Aus Municipal Waterworks District, a wholesale water provider working in some small water districts in the Camarilo area, may cost more than $ 500,000, except for the installation generator. there is.
“In this regard, I feel that the water agency has to pick up the responsibility of Edison’s fallen,” Pricad said.
PRICHARD and GOMBERG also pointed out that the bill is dealing only on Sliver, a large number of tasks related to the vast and aging water infrastructure in the state.
“These are difficult choices,” said the rubberberg. “Compared to the weight of fire risks obtained from these investments with the daily impact of people’s payment ability.”
The pierced earrings have found some of the details of the bill, such as how the specific threshold was selected, but still to find ways to improve the water system in the face of the deterioration of the fire. The bill was called a “decent start.”
“There are still a lot of things to do here,” said the pierced earrings. “It requires more guidance on financing, or at least, how small or large -scale systems can provide funds for these kinds of intervention, at least more best practices and resources. I think.
Times’s staff writer Matt Hamilton and Ijames have contributed to this report.
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