California Council has called on the state to promote some scientists and firefighters to reduce Los Angeles’s catastrophic damages.
The idea is simple. By avoiding the first five feet around the house, avoiding wooden fencing, and debris, the owners of housing can reduce the risk of igniting the remaining fire. It spreads from structure to structure.
In 2020, the California Congress has passed a bill requested by local property owners who are prone to fire to maintain the so -called fireproof zone around their homes. By January 1, 2023, this law was appointed as a committee for forestry and fire prevention by writing rules that accurately manage what it should look. ‘LL ends.
The board of directors, Edith Hanigan, who was asked why the rules are planned for more than two years, is in the “prelle manufacturing stage” where Agency is still developing standard, focusing on finding financial options. I responded with a statement that it was applying. Support and education to help people to follow them.
“There are many aspects to consider as part of this complex process,” she said.
Senator Ben Allen (D Santa Monica), a representative of Malibu and Pacific Parisade in the Pacific Ocean, is dissatisfied with the delay, and the parliament is investigating how to pick up the government agency. I am investigating. Housing owners will be reconstructed.
“I am dissatisfied with the fact that these regulations have not yet come out of the Forestry Committee,” said Allen, the chairman of the small committee who approves the budget of the board. “After seeing my community is burning, I want to see them take action.”
Henry Stern Senator (D-Carabasus) is also calling on the Board of Directors to move more quickly.
“We can’t afford to drive away,” he stated in a statement, calling the rules a matter of life and death of housing owners and their neighbors. “When we are looking for a rebuilding of Southland, we must also prevent the following community around California be as follows.”
A burning brush ignited a house in the eruption of the intense Santaanana breeze in both the Parisade and Eaton fire. The flame spreads to nearby properties along the privacy hedge and fence, according to an overwhelming firefighting resource, according to a preliminary report of the HOME SAFETY Insurance Research Institute.
Several experts have said that the goal of Ember -resistant zone, also known as zero zero, is to cut off the connection between properties and reduce the risk of those spreads. They said that such precautionary measures would reduce the possibility of a house to ignite by depriving the remaining fire of the ingredients in the structure.
“We definitely know that zero zero is the most important thing, and we definitely know from a defensive space investigation and the analysis after fire,” said Wildfire senior director Steve Hawks.
According to Ron Darbin, Director of Los Angeles County Fire Department, may have helped to expand the wind on an adjacent structure, even if one housing owner takes all appropriate precautionary measures. There was no fire. At the same time, he said he had a 5 -foot ember -resistant zone around the house.
Laura Friedman (D-GLENDALE) introduced the Zone Zero method when he worked in the State Congress following a series of destructive fires in 2017 and 2018.
“I think it’s a past time to publish and publish these regulations,” said Friedman.
If it is written, the standard applies to both new and existing houses specified by the state at a high risk of wildfire. Since the law was passed in 2021, these areas could change quickly. California’s firefighter Sito S requested local governments to expand the serious mapping of fire hazards in a state in a state where fire control is responsible for controlling fire.
These maps are based on a new science that notifies local climate data, how the fire spreads out, and how the remaining fire moves. He said, California Firefighter S said.
According to Darbin, more regions are likely to have been destroyed by Eaton Fire, a dense community, which is more likely to cause fire, especially in the wild area, such as Altadena.
This month, a new map that is expected to be sent to a city affected for adoption is a mountain of state for new construction to comply with both existing brush clearance programs and zero zero regulations on hold. To comply with both fire buildings, you may need more houses. code.
The Zone Zero Bill has not been faced against the formalized opposition, but some members listen to the cost or aesthetics for removing plants and fences from around the house. I remember.
“Certainly, some people say that it is not a state responsibility to tell the owners of private property what to do on their land,” Friedman said. “But if you live in a community in a high fire area, we must recognize that a patent that is a non -secure property can be dangerous. “
Bill Dodd, a retired Senator, a retired Democratic Senator, represented by a part of Napa County and Sonoma County, and many houses, even after the fire damaged the local community in 2017. The owner said that it resisted zero zero regulations.
“Even after the fire in Napa, some people said,” I have never taken out a tree. “
Before leaving the Senate last year, DODD has succeeded in complying with property owners for three years to comply with the zero rules for three years, and is worried about the cost of rural housing owners. did. The step -in -stage invasion over the three years is to apply only to those who need to remodel your property, not new construction.
However, Friedman stated that the rules could save the money of housing owners in the long term by encouraging insurance companies to continue the policy of covering houses in areas where fire is likely to occur. Both her and Allen pointed out that the cost of compliance was much higher than those who lost and lost their homes.
“After losing the house, evacuating from the house and seeing a friend losing the house, people don’t want to play,” Allen said. “I think there is an appetite for more serious regulations, as to guarantee that our community is ready for the catastrophic mountain fire.
Hanigan said in a statement that the Forestry Committee staff was aiming to propose proposals for the rules “as soon as they can be executed.” Firefighter S must approve them.
Hanigan has already adopted its own ZERO ZERO Ordinance, including San Diego County, Napa County, Orange County Fire Bureau, Rancho Santa Fael, San Lafael, Santaroza, Humbold, Ragnavi, and other local jurisdictions. I pointed out that I am. 。
LA County does not adopt an ordinance under dispute from the state, but the new construction project inspector has been instructed to write a structural growth in structural growth. 。
He will return the state delay in enacting rules to make it difficult to build consensus accurately about what they should look.
“Perhaps there are some politics that are trying to keep people confused in relation to insurance and aesthetics,” he said. “However, standing at home must be the most important work when it is upset and standing at home.”
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