Hesperia’s man said police had 16 guns, ammunition, various other weapons, and among other drugs, 16 guns, ammunition, and various other weapons, over one pound of methane, fentanyl, LSD, and 16 guns, ammunition, and various other weapons. After discovering it in the face of drug and weapons charges.
When 37-year-old Cairo Slostoka was found in a home on the block of Temecula Street in 18400, deputies served as a search warrant around noon on February 3, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office news It was mentioned in the release.
“During the service of the search warrant, MPs have reported 16 firearms, a massive amount of ammunition, a large capacity rifle magazine, three pairs of brass knuckles, five switch blades, about 1.2 pounds of methamphetamine, fentanyl, heroin, ecstasy and about 1.2 pounds of 1.2 pounds of “We found a firearm of lyserformic acid diethylamide,” authorities said.
Slostka was arrested on charges of being a felony in possession of a firearm, and was banned to own ammunition and possessed drugs for sale.
He has been booked at the High Desert Detention Center and is being held in place of a $500,000 bail. The prison records also show some additional charges, including possession of armed drugs and possession of silencers.
He is scheduled to appear in Rancho Superior Court on Tuesday.
Anyone with information will be asked to call the sheriff’s dispatch at 760-947-1500 or 760-956-5001.
To report information anonymously, call WetIP at 1-800-78-Crime (27463) or wetip.com.
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