You cannot order free Covid-19 tests from the US government.
As of March 10,, the government’s free coronavirus test distribution program, is currently not accepting orders, the Strategic Preparation and Response website said.
Previously, all American households were eligible to order four free AT Covid test kits.
“Tests ordered before 8pm on Sunday, March 9th, 2025 will be shipped,” the ASPR website states.
The free Covid test distribution program was launched in 2021. Since then, more than 900 million free Covid tests have been mailed to US households, with 900 million being distributed to community centers, libraries, nursing homes and food banks.
The Biden administration revived the program last September ahead of the summer surge driven by the XEC variant and the expected winter covid wave during the cold and flu seasons.
The free test kit sent by mail includes four new rapid antigen tests, allowing you to detect all circulating variants.
Last August, health officials said the national stockpile of Covid testing was large enough to maintain the program. Dr. David Boucher, director of infectious disease preparation and response at ASPR, told reporters at the time.
It is unclear what will happen with the rest of the national stockpile and unused Covid-19 tests. NBC News contacted the Department of Health and Human Services regarding future plans for the free Covid testing program, but has not received a response.
Covid-19 testing is an important tool that will help you and others stay safe, experts say.
How to get low-cost and free Covid-19 tests
“Home-at-home Covid-19 tests are sold at pharmacies, grocery stores and many other retailers across the country,” the ASPR website said.
For two-test packs, most rapid at-home Covid-19 test kits cost between $12 and $24 out-of-pocket. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) COVID testing may be costly depending on insurance coverage.
Through your insurance
Some insurance plans still cover the costs of PCR and quick Covid-19 testing at home. However, plans may require covid testing to be medically required and to be managed by healthcare professionals in your network or to limit the number of tests that can be ordered. Additionally, if your insurance plan requires cost sharing, you may need to pay your own expense.
Contact your insurance provider to see if your plan covers covid testing and whether it covers how the claims filing process works.
At the drugstore, you can talk to a pharmacist who can check if your plan will refund your at-home covid test and if it is covered, you will be ordering a free test kit. Walgreens and CVS have online tools to check the eligibility of the free home covid test.
Community Test Location
People who do not have health insurance may be able to take low-cost or non-cost covid tests.
“People without health insurance don’t have to pay for COVID-19 testing in certain locations,” the Health and Human Services website says on its website. These include increased community access to test (ICATT) locations. This continues to provide free testing to uninsured people exposed to symptomatic or Covid-19, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Search CDC test locators to find nearby locations and always call ahead to confirm.
People may also be able to find free or low-cost Covid tests through their local community centers, churches, schools, workplaces, or nonprofits. Check with your county or city health department to see if your local community organization offers free testing.
Please check the expiration date
If you already have your own stockpile for home testing, you may be worried about the expiration date.
The FDA has extended the expiration dates for many Covid-19 tests, so you may be able to use the test after the box date. Check the list of expiration dates for the Enhanced COVID Test on the FDA website to see if the test is still available.
Time to test Covid-19
Testing is an important tool to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Early detection can also help you determine the treatment you need. Antiviral drugs to treat Covid, such as Paxlovid, are most effective when taken within the first few days of developing symptoms.
You must take the Covid-19 test if you:
You will experience Covid-19 symptoms, including cough, sore throat, congestion, fever, muscle pain and fatigue. Exposure to people working with Covid-19 or living in a high-risk environment (such as a medical facility) is at a higher risk of developing severe illness
High-risk groups include people over the age of 65, those with immunocompromised, and those who underlie health conditions such as heart and lung disease, according to the CDC.
It is also recommended to test before large gatherings, especially if you are around high-risk individuals such as grandparents.
If negative results are obtained, the Food and Drug Administration may need to repeat the test several times over five days to get the most accurate results over five days.
For positive tests, the CDC recommends staying at home and quarantine until you no longer have a fever and your symptoms improve at least 24 hours.
You can also protect yourself and your loved ones by getting the Covid-19 vaccine. The updated Covid-19 vaccine for 2024-2025 is recommended by the CDC for everyone over six months.
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