JU was judged on Tuesday in a Hollywood producer who was charged with a murder of Los Angeles models and her friend’s overdose of drug overdose.
JU was about seven and a half hours in deliberations on the David Brian Pierce trial on Friday. The decision will be read at 1:30 pm
The 42 -year -old Pierce is accused of the 24 -year -old death model, ambitious actress Christie Jils, and a 26 -year -old friend Hilda Marcela Cablal Alzola. The two women were taken to separate hospitals in the Los Angeles area about two hours away on November 13, 2021.
In her last Thursday, the vice prosecutor Catherine Mariano knew to JU, Katherine Mariano, who knew Pierce’s danger, but gave a Fentanyl and GHB to a woman because she wanted sexual assault. I talked.
Pierce’s lawyer Jeff Vol said that his client did not give women’s drugs and encouraged JU to acquire piercings.
In addition to the murder, in December 2022, the prosecution of the Great JU returned to Pierce. He was charged with murder in the death of two women, three counts, two -count sexual penetration, one sexual penetration, each between 2007 and 2020, respectively. With all sexual assaults of sexual assaults associated with crime, unconscious people and rape
The accusation of the co -defendant Brandt Walter Osbourne, which has been accused of accessories after the fact, has not reached a decision. The 45 -year -old Osbourne accompanies Pierce in Toyota Prius, which does not have a license plate in the hospital where Jiles and Cablal Alzola remain, and has been accused of two counting accessories after the facts. I am.
The woman was believed to have taken the medicine and left outside the two hospitals. Hetty Chang reports on NBC4 news on Thursday, December 16, 2021.
Ozbourne lawyer Michael Altan told JU that Ozbourne should be acquitted to be guilty of the two counts he was charged with. Altan questioned the description of two major prosecutors, including Michael Ansbach, who was arrested with Pierce and Ozbourne but was not charged with Michael Ansbach.
Anthbach testified that Pierce did not speak the dead girl.
According to the prosecutor, Pierce met two women in a rave outside business hours in downtown Los Angeles.
Jiles had already died when he was transported to Southern Calvarian Hospital in Calvar City, but his architect Cablals Alzola lived outside Kaiser Palmente Westros Angeles Hospital, but was dangerous. she
The family broke away from the month, one day before his 27th birthday.
The death of two women was classified as a murder by the Los Angeles County Medical Examination, and according to the report of poisoning, it was found that there were multiple drugs in both victims’ systems.
Jiles died of a mixture of cocainil, fentanyl, gamma -hydroxylic acid, and ketamine, but Cablal Alzola died of multiple organ failure in cocaine, methylange Okishimethane fetamine (ecstasy) and other undecided drugs.
I found it in her system.
The prosecutor said to JU, if they did not take the medicine and were sexually assaulted under the Cabral Alzola finger claws, there was no reason for the two women to find Pierce DNA. He said in the last discussion.
“This is not a coincidence and no mistake,” she said.
Mariano told JU that he would take Jils to the hospital when she had already died, waiting for JU to leave the shared house on the Olympic Great Street in the Pico Robertson district. They returned to their apartment and brought Cabral Alzola to another hospital about two hours later.
A lawyer suggested that the drug could be “accidentally taken” after being mistaken for cocaine.
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