The LA social media personality comes after his home was robbed Saturday night and expressed his frustration over the police response.
Podcast host and personality behind LA, Evan Lovett, arrives from her son’s little game around 9pm and says he discovers that the back door has been shattered and some items are missing. Later, Lovett calls the police, where he is surprised at how emergency calls are handled.
“We put it on hold for 59 minutes before someone picked it up, and it was a very unsettling emergency. Luckily, this wasn’t a real-time emergency, in the sense that someone was choking or seriously injured. But I couldn’t help but wonder what would be if this were such an emergency,” Lovett said.
In a social media post, Lovett called 911 at 9:08pm but failed to get a response after nearly an hour.
According to LAPD, they did not call until 10:06pm and 15 minutes later, at 10:21pm, officers contacted LAPD and asked if Lovett had to wait a long time to get to them, but there was no response.
“This was something we wanted to emphasize and share with people and raise the attention of those responsible for what this should not be tolerated within our community or cities,” Lovett said.
Lovett added that when officers arrived at his house later that night they told him that the department was short on, which was why it took him a long time to call.
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