Kathryn Burger’s mother told her, “Trees create a community.”
But given the flammability of Southern California, which is soon rebuilt and repotted after major destruction from a recent fire, what kind of trees are safest?
I have a few answers as Berger, a member of the LA County Board of Supervisors, was answering my column as a member of the Treeless Area.
Steve Lopez
Steve Lopez is a California native who has been a columnist for the Los Angeles Times since 2001. He has won over 12 National Journalism Awards and is a four-time Pulitzer finalist.
My intention is to be wise to how and where we rebuild and repot, given the climate change, wild proximity, and the fear of wind-driven flames that devour our neighborhoods on a daily basis. It was to suggest that there was a need to do. But I wasn’t very clear about it. Since then, I have learned a few things thanks to readers and experts, including my colleague Janet Marantos.
“You ruffled the wings of tree supporters,” said Diana Nicole, an ecological horticulturist.
She and other people I interviewed generally agreed on a few things:
The structures, not vegetation, but rather structures, served as the main fuel for spreading fires lit by wind-blowed embers.
Hardening structure against fire is important, but fire-resistant landscaping is also important and can help protect your home.
Brush clearance is a term that can be misunderstood. The best strategy is to have the right kind of vegetation and fewer kinds of the wrong kind.
On the left, Luke Benson and Isaac Yelchin, a biologist from the Santa Monica Mountains Resource Conservation Area, are live oak acorns on the plant coast at Topanga State Park in December 2024. According to fire ecology experts, there are healthy, irrigated California live oak trees. Your property can save your home.
(Myung J. Chun/Los Angeles Times)
California Chaparral and coastal sage scrubs tend to be less flammable than non-native grass that replace them after being cleaned up, says Alexandra, a research scientist at the Institute of Conservation Biology and a fire ecology expert Syphard said.
“Most people have always thought you need to reduce vegetation. I’m not suggesting you not. Around your property, firefighters enter the house and protect you. We need a safe place to do it,” Cyphard said. “But you don’t have to cover up your property,” she said, and there is growing evidence that the right kind of greening serves as a protective barrier.
Putting healthy, irrigated California live oak and sycamore trees on your property can save your home, Cypherd said. They contain a lot of moisture, and are more fire-resistant than structures, allowing you to intercept flying embers before reaching the building.
Cipherd said many homes were destroyed by fires that ignite inside the house, not on the roof or walls. Those embers enter through vents, under garage doors, and often through windows. “Window panes burst easily under radiant heat. This is a very common entry source for embers,” and Cyphard recommends double-pane windows, recommends fine mesh screens at the spout. I’m doing it.
Eton Canyon biologist Christian Mace said the Eton Canyon Natural Area and Nature Center were destroyed by fire, but the oak and sycamore trees survived in pretty good shape.
When she visited the centre headquarters after the fire, Mace said, “The concrete walls were still standing…the metal fireplace doors were still standing, but all the windows were gone. The roof fell on. I think it was on fire… melting the glass,…and then we entered the boom!” auditoriums, gift shops, classrooms, park offices, some used for educational purposes. There are no more snakes and lizards. However, Mace warned of one living survivor.
“One wall… leaned against California lilac,” Mace says, calling it a particularly fire-resistant plant. “The building was burning around it, but the shrub stood high so we could lift the walls.”
Experts say if they are reconstructing in Altadena or Palisade, what do they plant? Eaton Canyon biologist Christian Mace recommended oak, sycamore (above), Toyon, lemonade berries and lilac.
(Devin Oktar Yalkin / for the Times)
But as some trees and plants were enduring the fires of Eton and Palisades, others rose as they were on fire.
“The palms of Mexican fans will be removed and they must be banned from planting them in California, writes San Diego landscape architect Caistewart.
She explained during the phone that list on the highly flammable eucalyptus tree, and that her roots were in Altadena, where she lived in two houses. Stewart said he saw firefighters talk about the newscast about those trees throwing out large chunks of fiery leaves.
Nicole finds she’s been studying the news coverage of fire for hours, “starting to burn like a tiki torch” on the palm tree, and throwing a spark ball like firecrackers. Ta. Other flammable vegetation. ”
It’s like saying in Los Angeles you should remove the Dodgers, surfing, or food trucks. Please feel free to let us know your thoughts as you can vote in LA on the topic of banning Palm Tree.
I asked Cipherd, Nicole, Mace and Stewart what they would plant if they were rebuilding in Pallisad or Altadena.
“You’ll feel safer than having a green oak tree,” Cyphard said. However, she added that even fire-resistant trees can burn, and recommended removing dead limbs, leaves and debris from all vegetation.
Burning palm trees stand in the burning ruins of a house destroyed by the Palisade fire on January 9th.
(Brian Van Van del Brug /Los Angeles Times)
Nicole recommended non-natives, including California Live Oak and Toyon, as well as Bird of Paradise. “When you cut it, the water flows out of it,” she said.
Mace said she built a concrete house and there were oak, sycamore, Toyon, lemonade berries and lilac in the garden.
Stewart recommends cacti, succulents and evergreen shrubs called African Boxwood.
For more information on house hardening, smart gardening and wildfire resilience, visit the Theodore Paine Foundation website.
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