Please look to the sky. The six planets of our solar system are aligning and will be visible from Earth.
According to AccuWeather, Saturn, Venus, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars will be visible in a line in the sky every night through the first half of February.
AccuWeather says this is happening because all six planets are on the same side of the sun when viewed from Earth. On the first night of February, the crescent moon should also line up with the planets.
Although it may be difficult to see them in winter, you can spot four planets with the naked eye: Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. You will need a telescope to see Neptune and Uranus.
This photo mosaic was created with the six planets of the solar system and Earth’s moon. (Getty)
“Venus, Saturn, and Neptune will be low in the southwest sky, and Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus will be high in the southern sky,” AccuWeather said.
NASA’s Preston Dychess said planets always appear along straight lines, so that alignment alone is not unusual. “What is less common is seeing four or five bright planets at once, but this does not happen every year,” he wrote.
How to see the planet
Venus, Saturn, and Neptune are expected to be low in the southwestern sky, while Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus are expected to be high in the southern sky.
After the sun sets on Monday, February 3, the moon will be between Venus and Uranus in the sky. According to AccuWeather, it will pass Jupiter and Mars the next night.
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