President Trump will visit Los Angeles on Friday for a tour area that has been damaged by the most fatal and destructive mountain recorded in California.
His first trip, the first trip, includes aerial tour of Damage at the Pacific Palesese fire station and a round table conference. Mayor LA, Karen Bus and LA County, are expected to meet Trump. It was not clear whether he would join Gabin Newsum, Governor of California, the target of Trump’s S humiliation frequent S humiliation.
The visit will be held four days after President Trump’s inauguration ceremony, and will take place the day after the state council approved the 2.5 billion dollar fire rescue package with the support of a supervisor in Sacramento.
Regarding the Federal Fire Fund, Trump threatened to refrain from Los Angeles’ federal disaster aid, unless the California leader changed the state’s approach to water management. The Golf Course in the Los Angeles area on the Palos Vedes Peninsula, about 45 miles south of the Pacific Parisard, has briefly mentioned his inauguration speech.
More than 16,100 structures, including homes and companies, were destroyed by Eooton Fire and Parisade Fire. 28 deaths have been confirmed by fire in the Altadena region and the Pacific Parisd area along the northeast of Los Angeles and the LA County coast.
It was not clear whether GOV. NEWSOM would be part of the Friday tour. His office said that the Democratic governor could be happy to meet South California’s Republican President.
The two have a complicated relationship in a difficult time for Los Angeles County.
The governor visited Trump when Trump attacked New Sam. For a few days after the fire began, he attacked the bass with former President Joe Biden in social media. On the weekend of the second time, Trump stated that he had not talked directly to New Sam since the start of a wildfire.
“I invited him here. I’m happy to come here,” said New Sam after signing a rescue package in Altadena on Thursday. “I hope it takes time to listen directly to the people affected by the wildfire. I hope he has the opportunity to visit not only the Paris third but also the Altadena. I hope that we have a spirit of cooperation.
Newsum said that they had a healthy job relationship during the past crisis.
“We have a great relationship between COVID. It is well established. It is well defined,” said Newsom. “I don’t think there is a governor of the Democratic Party who worked in cooperation with the US President.”
The artwork “Man on a Bicycle” returned to François Auro, a man who evacuated the Parisade fire on a bicycle on Thursday. Robert Kovacik reported NBC4 news reports at 11:00 pm on January 23, 2025.
They changed their attacks with a fire, saying that New Sam would be one of the worst natural disasters in the United States. A few days after the fire began, Trump’s claims are the conservation policy related to small fish called delta confections, affecting the amount of water pumped from the habitat of fish in Sacramento -Goa Kin Delta. Was given.
“I don’t think they should give anything to California until they flowing water,” said Trump in an interview with Fox’s Sean Hanity on Wednesday.
Trump spoke on a trip to North Carolina, including a stop in North Carolina, before departure on Friday in the southern grass in the White House.
“Then, go to Los Angeles and see the fire that may have been paid if the water flows.” And they are not yet for some reason.
Governor Gavin NEWSOM has signed a $ 2.5 billion rescue package to support Los Angeles recovering after the devastating mountain fire. Dashafilips reported on NBC4 news at 11:00 pm on January 23, 2025.
“So we think we’re going to have a very interesting time.”
IZZY GARDON, a NewSom communication director, calls fish conservation a “pure fiction.” NEWSOM replied in an interview before NBC NEWS that Trump said, “Delta’s confectionery is connected to this fire in some way.” Also, anyone who understands the state water policy cannot be understood. “
In addition to the weather conditions of the fire described as one of the worst things we have seen so far, the early stage of the battle against Parisard Fire in the Pacific Parisard was hindered by the problem of water supply. 。 According to local officials, the fire and some fire hydrants temporarily lost water for high demand on the first day of the fire.
Authorities acknowledged at a press conference in the morning after the fire began, affecting the ability to supply water for a few hours at a time, for several hours. Fire hydrants are designed to fight fire in one or two houses, rather than hundreds, as in the case of the first mixed OTIC of the fire.
Regarding water drops, the strong wind gust forced not only the thin film of the flame but also the temporary contact of all firefighting aircraft.
New questions have been raised whether Los Angeles and LAFD have done enough to prepare a few days before the destructive Parisade fire. NBC4’s Eric Leonard reported on January 15, 2025.
Eric Scott, a spokeswoman in charge of LAFD, stated that in the morning that the water and electricity of LA ministry had actively filled all available storage tanks in the Parisard region, but the possibility of water could be used. It was influenced by a higher altitude and influenced some fire hydrants. For limited replenishment of aquariums in these areas. “
“The extreme demand has slowed the refills of these tanks and brought the firefighting efforts,” said Scott.
At a press conference on January 8, the Parisade fires began, but the demand has not been seen in four times the water that has not been seen before. 。 To replenish the tank, you need to ask the fire department to stop.
The critic also questioned the 117 million Gallon Santainz reservoir, which donated water for drinking and firefighting in the Pacific Parisade when a fire broke out. Pacific Paris Sede’s reservoir is closed for repair after a cover designed to save water quality tears.
NEWSOM is looking for an independent survey on fire hydrants and reservoirs.
There are also prolonged questions about whether Los Angeles and its fire department have done enough to prepare a few days before the fatal Parisade fire. NBCLA at the fire department says that it is not clear that it will make a difference in the savings of the house, given the strength of the wind and fire.
Families who have lost everything in the Parisade fire are stolen their identity and are now blocked from FEMA assistance. BRITTANY HOPE reported NBC4 news reports at 6:00 am on January 22, 2025.
It is not clear why it caused the second and third destructive fire in California.
Several small fires occurred around Southern California. In the first 23 days of the month, there were 11 consecutive days of dangerous flag warnings for 11 consecutive days. The latest major fire, the custom fuse fire in northern Los Angeles, was added to the harsh month for firefighters
This area is a serious drought condition after a dry start until the rainy season of Southern California. Two seasons of the average rainfall, a dry spell over a month was covered with a dried brush, providing fuel for the wildfire.
Under the warning of the red flag, all the starting fires are more likely to spread rapidly behind the strong winds. The remaining fire also speeds up the spread of the brush. A powerful gust can throw many miles of spot fires in front of the main fireline in a firefighter nightmare scenario.
Preliminary statistics of CAL fire indicate that California firefighters are facing January. So far, state -fire institutions have reported 255 wildlands burning 50,600 acras. At this point last year, a fire of 87 burned four acres was reported.
The average for five years is 139, and the 457 acres have been burned.
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