Parents at a West Los Angeles elementary school on Monday called for cameras to be installed after someone spray-painted racist graffiti on the school’s sign.
Graffiti that may have been tagged over Veterans Day weekend at Richland Avenue Elementary School included racist language at the school, which is headed by a Black woman.
Neighbors said police went door to door looking for witnesses and video evidence, but it was unclear whether any were found.
Although the graffiti had been removed by Monday, many in the neighborhood and school officials said they were upset.
Kat Miller, a parent of a student at the school, said: “It’s very disheartening and scary to think that the hatred has escalated to the point where it’s literally panicking in my backyard.”
Some parents have started an online petition calling for cameras to be installed in schools.
“It’s disgusting. There’s no place for that kind of racist trash in our society. It’s disgusting,” neighbor Dan Lochhead said.
Los Angeles School Police were investigating the incident as a hate crime.
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