(Hill) – Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has made psychiatric drugs the focus of the country’s review of the chronic disease crisis in childhood, claiming that they are “under-scrutiny.” It is and claims to be addictive.
Childhood psychiatrists claim drugs for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and depression, and have no access to supplementary, proven safe, useful psychiatric drugs People say they are more worried.
Kennedy highlighted skepticism about these drugs during a Senate confirmation hearing.
“15% of American youth are currently taking Adderall or other ADHD medications. An even higher percentage is in SSRIs and Benzos. We are not only over-recruiting children, but also the entire population. “We’re over-measuring the,” Kennedy told the Senate Finance Committee.
It is difficult to see the exact rate at which young Americans are using ADHD medications. Kennedy may be referring to the results of a Future Surveillance (MTF) survey released in 2023, reporting that 15% of seniors in high school are using stimulants or non-stimulant ADHD medications I knew it was.
Kennedy spoke to HHS staff at a closed door meeting last week about plans for the Make America Healthy Commission.
“Some of the factors we may investigate were formally taboo or under-scrutiny,” he said, adding that “there would be no off-limits.” Among the factors he named were pediatric vaccine schedules, psychotics and environmental issues such as microplastics.
The committee will have 100 days to produce a report that says, “Questions remain on known and the crisis of chronic disease in children, including international comparisons.”
Kennedy claims that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are more addictive than heroin, among them a long-time recovery addict, and mistakenly linking them to school shootings . He declined to condemn this belief about the shooting during the confirmation hearing, simply saying, “I don’t think anyone can answer that question.”
According to psychiatrists who work with children, rhetoric like Kennedy doesn’t help children with mental illness.
“From my perspective, these statements should not address the reality of psychiatric treatment,” he said, adding that he is the president of the Academy of Children and Adolescent Psychiatry in the United States, as well as the president of the Academy of Children and Adolescent Psychiatry in the United States. President Tamibenton, the best psychiatrist in the science department, said. At the Philadelphia Children’s Hospital.
“These drugs are not addictive and aren’t heroin-like,” Benton told Hill. “People use them for a variety of reasons. …So they’re not as addictive as drugs.”
Regarding the allegations that children in the US are being over-employed, doctors and psychiatry experts who spoke to Oka said that many children who can benefit from SSRIs and other medications would go to these drugs. said he is more concerned about the lack of access.
“There is even more concern in this area that many children with depression and mental health disorders do not have access to the mental health services they need. Not only SSRIS, but therapy and other support,” says a child psychiatrist. said Lisa Fortuna, chairman of the American Psychiatry Association’s Council on Children, Youth and their Families.
Previous studies, such as the 2019 study published in the Journal of Pediatrics by the American Academy of Pediatrics, found that 70% of US counties had increased more widely in occupations during that time frame, from 2006. In 2017, we discovered that there were no child psychiatrists.
“More than half of US children with treatable mental health disorders are not receiving treatment from mental health professionals,” the researchers said.
Christine Crawford, psychiatrist and assistant medical director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, may be due to increased awareness of these conditions in children taking medications for mental illness or mental disorders. He stated that it is sexual.
“We are in 2025 and this era has led to a growing awareness of a variety of mental illnesses that can affect children. We are committed to providing highly effective treatments available to children. I have. I am grateful for the fact that the stigma associated with having a psychiatric child has declined over time,” Crawford said.
Psychiatrists say there are issues that need to be addressed with children and plant medicines.
“There are very few psychiatric drugs that have been approved by the FDA for use in children,” Crawford said. “The reason is that there is not enough research that has conducted long-term research on a variety of different drugs.”
“We have some medications, but this has been technically FDA approved for years, so when it comes to children, the majority of the prescriptions are done outside of label,” she adds. Ta.
If Kennedy attempts to limit access to these drugs, there are several paths he can use in his new role.
Typically, if newer, better medicines are introduced into the market or if margins do not provide benefits, the drug is removed from the market by the manufacturer. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may also choose to withdraw approval if clinical evidence indicates that the drug is insufficient or effective.
However, Benton pointed out that SSRIs, like fluoxetine, better known as Prozac, have been around since the ’80s, and there is decades of evidence in favour of safety and efficacy. She said there are other ways federal authorities could theoretically reduce the use of certain drugs.
“When the Black Box Warning was issued, the number of people actually using SSRIs has decreased. And the black box warning is that suicide may be a side effect when starting SSRIs. I suggested that,” Benton said. “The research that supported that warning turned out to be undersupported.”
“These drugs are supported by research. They are supported by clinical processes,” she added. “When they’re applied and used in the right way, they really help people.”
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