Umbrellas and jackets should not be stored yet. This week, more rainfall is aiming for Southern California.
Arashi, currently abusing Northern California, will move south toward Southland. It is expected to arrive early the week and come out of the area in the same way.
“It’s starting to rain on Tuesday evening,” NBC4 meteorist Stephanie Olmo said. “Most of the day, or in the morning and afternoon, it seems to be dry throughout the area, and it will change in the evening time.”
Ormo predicts that it will rain on Wednesday morning on Tuesday evening.
“This is when it is expected to see a wide range, sometimes healthy rain and some of the effects that can be seen with this. Sophisticated roads and local floods.” 。 “That will be a concern.”
If this system leaves the area, there is a short break from the rain before another storm may arrive. Northern California is attacked by another system on Thursday, and its precipitation may descend south and rain more in South California.
If these two systems occur, Ventura County may potentially rain, and in some areas we see up to 3 inches. Los Angeles County faces 2 inch rain from the inch, and the inland Empire and Orange County are facing less.
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