A Southern California teacher was arrested on suspicion of sexual abuse of a young student.
Riverside police have identified the suspect as Hector Edward Zardiver, 53, of Ontario.
On February 11, police began an investigation after the victim, a female juvenile, told police about alleged sexual abuse.
The crime reportedly occurred in June 2022 at the Summer School at Terrace Elementary School in Riverside. The suspect was a fourth-grade teacher at the time, authorities said.
On February 12th, Zarvidar was arrested in connection with a suspected crime. He is currently employed by the Alvord Unified School District, and detectives believe there may be additional casualties that have not yet made progress.
District officials confirmed that Zalvidar was placed on administrative leave as the investigation continued.
Hector Edward Zaldiver, 53, of Ontario, can be seen in booking photos from Riverside Police Station. Edward Zaldiver, 53, of Ontario, can be seen in booking photos at Riverside Police Station.
School district supervisor Resma Byrne has issued a statement.
“Student health and safety are our number one priority and we are fully working with the riverside police stations that are conducting research. The Alvord Unified School District will bring teachers to immediate administrative leave. We are taking all necessary steps to ensure the safety and support of our students, staff and families.
We encourage parents to have an open conversation with their children and reach out if they need guidance or support. Counseling services are available to students and staff. We recommend it to anyone who needs help contacting your child’s teacher or site administrator.
We understand that this news is extremely troublesome and we are committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. ”
Zalvidar was booked at Robert Presley Detention Center on charges of indecent conduct against a child under the age of 14 using force. He is being held on $1 million bail.
Anyone with information about the case can contact Detective Steven Espinosa at 951-353-7120 or email sespina@riversideca.gov.
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