Jose Garcia has lived in RV for six years and was tired of her life.
“Last year, the police had a big problem,” he said. “Sometimes I come to the police and say we can’t stay anymore. I change many cities.”
At his last stop, he got $ 130.
Later, as Los Angeles County had strengthened his efforts to remove thousands of recreational vehicles parked on the street, a sympathetic officer deputy officer said that Garcia had a place to park legally. 。
Garcia is currently living in a parking lot in the CRENSHAW district. This is the first safe parking lot of RVS in LA County.
RV of a parking lot owned by Los Angeles County in the Clen Show district.
When I moved to Downey in 2019, a 900,000 -dollar pilot project was held in November in a village of a county county by the Guest Observation Division.
13 RVs occupy the lot and one space has not yet been filled. Their owners can stay there for up to six months while pursuing a permanent house. I agree that everyone surrenders the vehicle when they get the car.
A secure parking lot is one of the county route home camping solution programs. Pathway Home has deleted 624 recreational vehicles from the street while moving nearly 1,100 people to a provisional and permanent housing in 29 businesses since August 2023.
“We were trying to be creative with the people living in RVS,” said Holly Mitchell, a county director, shared breakfast with residents in December. Mitchell set up a project in response to many RVs parked in her area. The latest homeless count 2,245 RV accounted for one -third of the county.
Holly Mitchell, a supervisor in Los Angeles County, will hold a holiday breakfast for the first group of residents who participated in Pathway Hv Pilot Program in Los Angeles County.
“I will claim a ridiculous amount of people who live in the RVs where Van Road is renting them, and something that they are not really resident. From there.”
A safe parking lot is for small subsets for RV residents that meet two criteria. Their vehicle must be operated and needs to prove ownership.
In the past, the probation category provided a hideaway surrounded by Clen Shows, Obama Odori and Expoline, and is sealed from a tall wall and shrubs from a row of apartment buildings in the west.
For the inhabitants, this lot is an extension of their low -cost and independent life, and three meals are delivered every day, improving shower and toilet trailers.
This is a plus for Maria Valencia (62), who has never used something called “Unchi” in a 10 -year parking lot on the East Tros Angeles streets. She took a shower in RV, but used a restaurant and a company toilets.
Mitchell said it could extend the one -year program, but the pilot site would ultimately replace it with affordable housing development.
Mitchell said he wanted the parking lot to stimulate others by then.
Gypsy Curiel Jr. plays chess in the parking lot used in Pathway Home Rv Pilot Program in the county. Curiel is one of the first participants in the program.
“You may not feel dented by 2,000 people, but it will be important for these 14,” Mitchell said. “And this is the first. We need multiple safe parking that we think is throughout the LA county as one of our toolkits tools.”
The four spaces are booked for RV residents in the Los Angeles District District, and the rest come from the unintracted part of Mitchell’s second district.
The county has signed a contract with End Home Ress California to provide food service, housing navigation and security. Because it is open as a shower you want, 24 mobile shower is also operated, providing houses to 45 community colleges in the leased house, and managing two safe parking for automobiles. 。
Unlike a safe parking lot for automobiles, it is open only overnight, and vehicles need to depart during the day, but the lot is open 24 hours a day. An electric hookup is provided, and a mobile bathroom remains on the site. RV owners can come and go, but the goal is that the vehicles are left.
Mel Tillekeratne, a co -founder and executive director of SHOWER OF HOPE, said: “The goal is that they stay here. We just want to make sure that they can be used as much as possible so that they can put them into a house.”
It is not a drawback for Valencia.
“I would be happy to stay forever if they stayed here,” she said. “I’m happy here. You don’t have to worry about your rent, invoice, invoice, and invoice. It’s the same every day when I had an apartment. Even when I paid my rent, I am next month. I worked here, worked there, and worked anywhere.
There is no track record of how fast the residents will go. Both Garcia and Valencia look forward to having their apartment, but it will be difficult to give up the house they raised.
Garcia, who lived in the United States for 30 years without legal status, had to abandon his apartment search while his case manager was helping him to get an ID. 。
Valencia said that he was lined up to get rental subsidies and start searching for apartments, but is not looking forward to surrender.
“It will hurt me very much,” said Valencia. “Because this is beautiful. This is great.”
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