San Mateo County Public Health officials announced Thursday that they had discovered a pet cat in Half Moon Bay, infected with the H5N1 bird flu. That happens just two days after they reported they found the virus in a poultry herd in a backyard in Redwood City.
The report occurred shortly after the instantaneous center table for disease control and prevention, indicating that adolescents may have been infected with the virus by pet cats. According to The New York Times, information released in the agency’s first weekly morbidity and mortality report, since President Trump took office, focused primarily on California wildfires, before it disappeared. It was available “temporarily”.
The CDC did not respond to questions about the data.
“It’s too early to interpret the data in the table without reading the full report,” said Sheema Rakdawala, a microbiologist at Emory University in Atlanta.
Screenshots in the data table available to Washington Post show that there appear to be two households affected by the virus, but there was no specific specification to determine where these infections occurred.
In household 1, there was one cat who initially became ill. Four days later, the cat died and tested positive for H5N1. On the same day, another cat in the house also got sick. Two days later, on the sixth day of the infection in the home, symptoms began to appear in adolescents living in the home. The child was negative for the illness and was tested as in symptoms-free adults and in-house symptomatic adolescents.
In Home 2, it appears to be connected to one household 1, but the details are vague, but an adult dairy farm worker is ill one week after the first cat in household 1 begins to show symptoms I’ve begun to show signs of According to CDC graphics, the person has not been tested for the virus and was “lost to follow-up.” Two days later, a cat living in household 2 began to show symptoms. The next day, the cat died and tested positive for H5N1. The second cat in household 2 was tested negative for the disease.
CDC tables do not provide information on how the first cat in one household was infected, as they are not scrubbed from the site.
Camels noted that although none of the people or a few cats have tested positive for the virus, “influenza nose tests sometimes negative, but the virus may replicate elsewhere.” Certainly, since the onset of H5N1, researchers have noted that swabs taken from places where people or cats’ bodies, such as the nose passages, can be negative, but the throat It is important to note that it can be tested when taken from another part, such as the back of the positive.
He was asked if an incident occurred in California, where 36 of the 40 cases of H5N1 connected to dairy products occurred. Avian flu is the latest. She said department officials “have not been confirmed human cases of California avian influenza related to exposure to pet cats.”
Anyway, the San Mateo report is a concern. This is in addition to the increase in the tally of household cats infected with H5N1.
H5N1 has been detected in scores in at least 17 other states including Contra Costa, Fresno, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Bernadino, San Mateo County, and Tulea, including Contra Costa, Fresno, Santa Bernadino, and Iowa. , Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wyoming.
The cat was lost when he was taken to a family in Half Moon Bay, according to a statement from San Mateo County Health Authority. A county press release states that when the cat began to show symptoms, the family had it to the vet for testing and testing. The lab results confirmed avian flu, and the cat “euthanized due to the condition.”
County health officials said they didn’t know how the cat was infected and did not explain the cat’s symptoms. Furthermore, there is no confirmation of when the family took the cat or what condition they were in when they were adopted.
Symptoms of avian flu in cats usually include appetite, lethargy, loss of fever and neurological signs such as repeated movements in circles, “switching,” trembling, seizures, or blindness. Other symptoms include severe depression. Excretion through the eyes or nose; rapid and shallow breathing, difficulty breathing; sneezing or coughing. Some cats will die.
A San Mateo County statement also introduced the CDC’s web page, which stated that “there is a low chance of avian flu being sick from direct contact with an infected pet, but it is possible.”
Reports of infected cats in San Mateo came two days after the county reported a small outbreak in a poultry herd in the backyard of Redwood City, but there were no human cases associated with the event.
In the statement, the county advised residents covering poultry flocks to take appropriate measures, such as seeing bird signs and washing their hands before and after handling the bird.
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