The Supreme Court will compare and examine the efforts to establish the first religious charter school in Japan, influencing school selection and religious practices.
The court agreed to hear two cases on this issue on Friday, but it will be discussed together -Oklahoma’s entire charter Board of Education V. Dramond and St. Ishidor’s Seville Catholic Virtual School vs. Dramond.
In 2023, the Virtual Charterer Board of Education in the whole state voted for accepting applications by the Roman Catholic District of Oklahoma City and the Tarsa parish of the K-12 online school, the St. Eshidor, a Virtual Charter School in Seville. did.
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Oklahoma’s parents, religious leaders, and educational groups tried to block schools after approval.
In the 7-1 decision, the Oklahoma Supreme Court has found that the religious charter school funded by taxpayers violates the establishment of a religion and the provisions of the State Constitution.
The Supreme Court will compare the efforts to establish the first religious constitution school in Japan. (Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images)
“Under Oklahoma’s law, Charter School is a public school,” said James Winchester in many courts. “Therefore, the charter school must be non -sectors.
“However, St. Ishidor will give a sense of the curriculum of the Catholic School while supporting the state.”
Alliance Defending Freeding Freedom Chifeef Counsel Jim Campbell told Fox News Digital, “the basics of religious discrimination and school choices.”
The Supreme Court supports the approaching Tactoku.
“The Supreme Court has revealed that in three incidents in the past eight years, it has revealed that religious organizations cannot be excluded after creating such public programs,” Campbell said. “So we are claiming in court that Oklahoma should be allowed to open a program to religious organizations.”
Oklahoma Republican Secretary Gentner Dramond originally challenged school approval. (Bill Clark/CQ-ROLL CALL, Inc, Getty Images)
Campbell states that this decision will give parents, families and states to get more educational options.
Oklahoma Republican Prosecutor Gentner Dramond originally stated that the establishment of the school was unconstitutional, although the school was originally opposed to school approval. In a statement in Fox News Digital, his spokesman said, “I’m looking forward to presenting our discussions in the high court.”
“I will continue to defend the religious freedom of all 4 million Oklahoma,” said Dramond in October. “This unconstitutional scheme, which establishes a religious charter school sponsored by the first nation in Japan, is forced to provide floods and taxpayers to provide funds to all kinds of religious cultures, such as extreme Islam and Satan Church. Fight to protect the rights given by their gods.
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The Oklahoma case is one of the some religious institutions submitted to the Supreme Court.
In 2017, the High Court ruled in support of Missouri’s church, which has been refused to pay taxpayers in the playground project, as a result of the provisions of the prohibition of national funding to religious organizations.
Similarly, in 2020, the Supreme Court broke the ban on taxpayers’ funding to religious schools in the 5-4 decision, which supported the Montana tax scholarship program. Recently, in 2022, the Supreme Court has ruled that the main tuition support program violated the Fixed Liberal Exercise Clause to exclude religious schools from qualification.
Judge Amy Connie Barrett was not given an explanation, but refused himself. (AP photo/Patrick Semansky)
“We hope that the Supreme Court will recognize that the Supreme Court will apply to the same principle here,” taking into account the previous consideration of the court, including a religious education institution.
“I can’t create a charter school program that makes private organizations can participate, but I will tell you that it cannot be included in religious organizations,” Campbell said. “So, I hope that the Supreme Court will clarify that the religious people worthy of becoming part of the charter school program.”
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Judge Amy Connie Barrett was not given an explanation, but refused himself. The Supreme Court is expected to hear the oral discussion in April.
The school choice was a hot button problem, especially after the 2024 election cycle. President Donald Trump has recently signed two administrative orders on education. One is to delete the federal government’s funds from the K-12 school, which teaches critical racial theory, and to support the school choice.
Fox News Digital’s Ronn BLITZER and AP communication have contributed to this report.
Haley Chi-Sing is a Fox News Digital writer. You can contact her with @haleychising in x.
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