(Nexstar) – In a short period of time, most Americans lose an hour of sleep as their watch jumps to save daylight savings.
But what happens if the clock doesn’t change?
Most federal and state efforts to end seasonal daylight savings have focused on locking watches during permanent daylight savings. That means it will spring out an hour before in March and not return in November.
However, some states are trying to maintain permanent standard times. Sleep and health experts agree well.
Unlike permanent daylight saving time, there are some in the US that already observe permanent standard times: most of Hawaii and Arizona.
Daylight saving time will soon begin. Is this the last time the clock will change?
If you’ve been to either state, you can guess why. In both cases it is the sun. By not moving the clock forward in the spring, Arizona (except the Navajos) can take a slightly earlier sunset, offering early relief on hot summer days. Close to the equator, Hawaii acquires relatively consistent sun throughout the year, making “savings” sunlight pointless.
File – Runner Jogging along Tempetown Lake (Ap Photo/Matt York, File) at Sunrise in Tempetown Lake (Around 5:27am) in Tempe, Arizona on July 12, 2023
At least the changes in the appearance of the clock and sunrise are the most noticeable differences when they remain at standard hours all year round.
Let’s say you live in Chicago. On Saturday, March 8th, the sun rises at 6:14am, and on Sunday, March 9th, the daylight savings time will be set at 5:50pm, the sunrise will be at 7:12am and the sunset will move to 6:51pm
Until summer, Sunrise will arrive early until mid-June, but sunset will travel until late June. As we move from midsummer to late autumn, the sun rises later and sets it early until we change our clock again in November.
Now, let’s say you didn’t jump an hour ago on March 8th.
Daylight Saving Time: Why these two conditions don’t change the clock
In Chicago, the oldest summer sunrise is at 4:15am instead of 5:15am, and the latest sunset is at 7:30pm instead of 7:30pm.
The table below shows the earliest sunrise and latest sunsets in multiple US cities, observing the daylight savings time and the times when you didn’t change your clock in March.
City Climbing Sunrise/Latest Sunrise in Summer Sunrise/Latest Sunrise at Permanent Staustin/Latest Sunrise: 29 AM/8:37 PM5:29 AM/7:37 PMCHARLOTTE, NC6:08 AM/8:42 PM5:08 AM/7:42 PMCHICAGO5:15 AM/8:30 PM4:15 AM/7:52 AM/7:52 PM4:52 AM/8:04 PMDENVER5:31 AM/8:32 PM4:31 AM/7:32 PMGRAND RAPIDS6:03 AM/9:26 PM5:03 AM/8:26 PMGREEN BAY5:07 AM/8:41 PM4:07 AM/7:41 PMINDIANAPOLIS6:16 AM/9:17:17 PM5:17 PM5:17 PM5:17 PM5:17 PM5:17 PM5:17 PM5:17 PM5:17 PM5:17 PM5:17 PM) AM/11:43 PM3:20 AM/10:43 PMLAS VEGAS5:23 AM/8:02 PM4:23 AM/7:02 PMLOS ANGELES5:41 AM/8:08 PM4:41 AM/7:08 PMNASHVILLE5:29 AM/8:08 PM4:29 AM/7:08 PMNEW HEANEVEW HEANEVEW HAVENEH HEANVEHANE5:18:29 PM:29 AM ORLEANS5:59 AM/8:05 PM4:59 AM/7:05 PMNEW YORK CITYLouis 5:36 am/8:29 PM4:36 am/7:29 pmtampa6:33 AM/8:30 PM5:33 AM/7:30 PMDistrict of Columbia5:42 AM/8:38 PM4:42 AM/7:38 PHALL TIMES LOCAL
Such an early sunrise may sound undesirable to you, but it may be something your body likes. Experts say that being exposed to ample sunlight in the morning is extremely important to our melatonin system. Extra morning sunlight can also give you more time to exercise or run errands on cooler morning hours on summer days (this was a huge determinant for Arizona when you chose to “lock the clock”).
Plus, it may be easier for you (and your child) to sleep through the morning sun than you (and your child) fall asleep while still in the light.
Let’s say you instead observe permanent daylight saving time. Our summers remain the same, and winters look very different.
Why experts say that maintaining standard time is “undetectedly” better for us
I’m back to Chicago. On Saturday, November 1st, the sun rises at 7:23am and sets at 5:44pm when daylight saving time begins on Sunday, November 2nd. The sun rises at 6:25am, at 4:43pm, at early January, and slowly sways in the opposite direction. Sunset collides at early hours at 4:19pm before turning the course back.
If you don’t put your clock back to an hour in November, Chicago’s latest sunrise will be 8:18am instead of 7:18am, and that early sunset will be 5:19pm instead of 4:19pm.
The table below shows the latest sunrise and the latest sunrise and early sunrise experienced in autumn ending in autumn in the daytime.
dst endlatest Sunrise/Earthest Sunset dst endlatest Sunrise/dstaustin7:28 am/5:30 pm8:28 am/6:30 pmcharlotte, NC7:32 AM/5:11 PM8:32 AM/6:11 PMCHICAGO7:18 AM/4:19 PM8:18 AM/5:19 PM:19 PM/5:19 PM/5:19 PM/4:57 PM8:53 AM/5:57 PMDENVER7:21 AM/4:35 PM8:21 AM/5:35 PMGRAND RAPIDS8:14 AM/5:08 PM9:14 AM/6:08 PMGREEN BAY7:29 AM/4:12 PM8:29 AM/5:12 PM/5:20 PM:06 AM/5:20 PM:12 PM/5:20 PM:12 PM/5:20 PM: AK10:16 AM/3:40 PM11:16 AM/4:40 PMLAS VEGAS6:52 AM/4:26 PM7:52 AM/5:26 PMLOS ANGELES6:59 AM/4:43 PM7:59 AM/5:43 PMNASHVILLE6:58 AM/4:32 PM7:58 AM/5:32 PM:18:22:22:22 PM:18 PM:18 PM:22 PM:18 PM:22 PM:22 PM) PMNew Orleans6:57 AM/5:00 PM7:57 AM/6:00 PMNEW YORK CITY Louis7:19 AM/4:39 PM8:19 AM/5:39 PMTAMPA7:22 AM/5:34 PM8:22 AM/6:34 PMDISTRICT OF COLUMBIA7:27 AM/4:46 PM8:27 AM/5:44 PMALL Local Times
However, research and history accumulates against permanent daylight saving time. The US tried many practices in the 1900s, but only to move on quickly.
But many of those proposed by recent federal efforts and state legislators want permanent daylight savings time.
So for now, our watch will “boost up” for an hour on March 8th and “fallback” on November 2nd.
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